Allseeing: Go onto the IRC when your there to tell us all about it It's going to be a new map! I can feel it.
Hey lights why don't you hop up there and show them your camping skills, they will most surely be impressed. ha ha, I couldn't help myself, lolz... yeah, tell us whats up!
Well New York to San Diego. Plane Tickets= $400.00. Taxi to MLG center= $150. If the suprise is a new map=priceless.
Dang.. they're doing it right now. The live stream says they'll be right back = the special announcement from Bungie.
There's a rumor that it's Chillout from halo 1 (AHDPJDAJDJADFJ WIN!) I also heard midship also (ALSO WIN!) but nothing is confirmed anywhere yet
Definitely Chill Out remake. Its called Cold Storage (or Cold Story, couldnt hear him too well). I have about a 5 minute video that I'm gonna try to get on Youtube pretty soon. Looks SOO dope though.
Heard that rumor from Asper just a little bit ago, so went to check out chill out in Halo 1. Not really looking forward to it to be honest. I think it will be a lot like epitaph. EDIT: Also, bungie are lying bastards. They said Purple Reign was not a remake and yet that's what it is. You can see the Hunter orange goo things in those pics.
the color scheme is the same as epitaph, but it looks frikin sweet. Great FFA map, I'm sure you'll love it.
no waylander, you heard rumor from ME! anyway, I got unbanned, and was going to post this, but you beat me too it. I have to go load up H1, but I'm tempted not to as I don't want to feel like they're totally missing something on this version as I did with blackout. I also am suprised, especially at bungie's rate, that they even have a quarter of the map done yet. Can't wait to see how this new map pack develops. I said it once and I'll say it again, if they're gonna remake maps, remake Midship! pl0x
Meh the two of you sound the same and play the same. Hard to tell the difference. And congrats on you're unban.