1. How do i forge items into the floor. 2. How do i find a thread that i posted in. 3. How do i find older threads instead of just new ones.
welcome to forgehub, this should b in another section than halo forge maps, it should b in forge descusion or customer survice. try here itl teach u every thing about posting, try here to find everything and i mean everything about forge in halo, answers to ur questions;to forge objects into the floor what u need to do is first put ur object down e.g a box than put walls around all the sides, than put around 4 doors upside so they goin to the box, than go upov and pick the box up the box will lag and go into the floor do this until u get it 2 ur liking, 2 find a thread uv posted clk ur name at the top right clk statistics and clk find all threads by Make a Map and ther u go hope this has helped u and every1 else, msg me or any1 else if u hav any questions or search around u might find the answer ur looking for