Well, a medium-sized underwater tunnel system map, at least. The constant alternation of hollowed-out rock interior and clear, thick plastic walkways to travel from hollowed rock to hollowed rock. Winsauce.
Ok sure...dream big and keep lying to yourself Im almost certain that the Halo community wont get a map with water skies and crap. They would have to totally design new vehicles for it, although it sounds totally awesome, it just wont happen. And we already have a somewhat tunnel based map, its called Rats Nest.
We need A arena map. The closest things to one are Construct (which is f*cking huge) but has an arena-ish layout, and guardian which a asymmetrical and and doesn't have an overall arena type layout. I have high hopes for purple reign
Ugh, arena maps are terrible. With the minor exception of Foundation. And they're not making an underwater themed map, unless you're like in a building underwater.
dunno , probably but bungie might be mix it up a bit to compensate or something i dont know really btw. 117th post haha
Midship bad, foundation good? What are you smoking. Someone claimed that smuggler is going to be a sanctuary re-make. If that were to be true + purple reign I would die of happiness.
hmmmm sanctuary AND midship? i think some1 in bungie is god in disguise. but still we should get 2 new maps if thats the case
Bungie already said that purple reign isn't midship. However if they gave us two competitive maps in one pack I'd have renewed faith in them.
I wonder how many people said that asking for a Lockout remake... lol. But yeah I know what you mean, good maps are definitely lacking right now and some new good competitive maps would make me really happy.
The problem is bungie doesn't understand the meaning of re-make, blackouts okay still, its grown on me a little but they still butchered lockout (best map ever) as a whole. Right now if they unveil a chillout remake and then smuggler is a sanctuary remake and purple reign is a covenant themed arena map than...holy **** bungie would be awesome.
Yeah, as long as they don't f*** them up. I'd almost prefer some brand new maps after seeing what they did to Lockout. I'm really hyped up for Purple Reign, it better not disappoint. Is it for sure an arena map, or are you just making that assumption?
I think someone found what may be a leaked picture of it and that it is a really tight (warlock sized) arena map. Everything about it sounds small and arena-ish. Also I'm 90% sure they just unveiled it's chillout with the new title "cold storage". This is great assuming they don't f**k it up.
Awesomeness... they should make them free, so we would have a chance at playing them in TS. But I guess if they released a Chillout remake everybody would buy it.
go away. Nah jk. Blood gulch wont come back, its been in Halo C.E and Halo 2, wont be back in Halo 3. I would like to see new maps, although for some reason I'm always more excited to see remakes. I'm assuming that the next map pack is pretty much directed towards MLG. If what I've heard is correct, the next map pack will consist of 3 Arena style maps. It'd be wonderful if Foundation came back. That way I could truely enjoy random on Foundation. The people in the halo community can be complete tools. "Bring back Lockout, I'm desparate for Lockout" says the fan "Here' an updated version to suit Halo 3" says bungie "BUNGIE, YOU ****ED IT UP" I mean really some people are whiny little children. Its lucky we're in the super market where every one can see you or Bungie you give you a good thumping.