The Aleatorio Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Swifty2400, Jun 1, 2008.


Which map did you like the best?

  1. House of Boom

    1 vote(s)
  2. Burnt Cheese

    2 vote(s)
  3. Jokers are Wild

    3 vote(s)
  4. All of them

    5 vote(s)
  5. Disliked them all

    5 vote(s)
  6. Hate them and their stupid names

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    Aleatorio Map Pack

    Aleatorio is the spanish word for Random. Now why would I call my maps random? I'll explain with each map. These are my first three forges ever and I will go in the order that they were made. First up House of Boom.

    House of Boom

    House of Boom is my first forge map and its located on Blackout. It doesn't use any special techniques other than placing objects in places that I think would make game play fun on the map. This new Blackout map is named House of Boom for one reason. Fusion Coils and lots of them. There aren't any falling fusion coils, but they are placed in clusters in spots where if you have a sniper rifle and you are in one of the two main sniper spots then you can cause a random explosion to kill someone walking through the cluster. A bunch of doors are blocked off to change the flow of regular Blackout game play. The bottom area where the shotgun usually is has the doorway to the lift blocked off to make a hallway where the rocket launcher is located. The top of the BR tower has been blocked off so there is only one way up there, a mancannon from where the sniper rifle usually spawns. There is one thing about the map that may look like somethings wrong but there isn't. The bottom part of the center of the map is blocked of by energy shields so you can't shoot through them but the gaps are big enough to throw grenades in so you can set off the fusion coils. House of Boom plays best as two team slayer or FFA slayer.

    The hallway where the Rocket Launcher spawns.

    The main sniping point.

    The man cannon to the sniping point.

    The next two maps are random because I just randomly named them because I couldn't think of names.

    Jokers are Wild

    Jokers Are Wild is my second forge and first on Foundry. It is a Slayer map with two bases and a Y-shaped hallway with a small close quarters room at the intersection. There is a way onto the roof of the hallway. In the roof is a triangular hole right in front of the barrier that you can throw grenades down. Invisibility is also placed up there along with a couple BR's and a beam rifle. In small FFA slayer games most of the action took place in the hall or on top of it. Each base has a "secret" area that has a strong weapon and a teleporter. One teleports you to a floating cage in the back center of the map with a sniper rifle, and the other one teleports you to an armory with a shotgun and a needler. The two bases are connected by a long bridge that has a barrier separating the two sides, a pair of spikers, and a pair of SMG's. On this map you really have to watch your back especially in FFA. Jokers are wild can be played with up to 4 teams in team slayer or FFA.

    The roof of the hallway

    One side of the map (the other side of the map is the same except the base)

    Base 1

    Base 2

    View from the sniper cage

    Inside the hallway.

    Burnt Cheese

    Burnt Cheese is my third and latest forge and the one I am most proud of. Burnt Cheese is a fairly symmetrical slayer map. By fairly symmetrical I mean a few things are a bit off in their placement but they are essentially in the same places on each side. Also the secret areas on each side are different each with its own weapon. The entrances to the secret areas are both hidden in the middle of the map. One secret area contains Rockets and a radar jammer along with assorted grenades while the other secret area contains a Sniper Rifle and a flare. It also comes with assorted grenades. Now, unlike in Jokers are Wild, the entrances are not easily found. If you want to know where the entrances to the secret areas are read on. If not skip to the next paragraph now. Secrets are revealed after this sentence. Ok, go into the sword base and scoot back until you can see the energy shield and the walls to its left and right. Ok walk into the middle of the wall on the left to go to the rocket area. Do the same thing to the wall on the right to go to the sniper area. Now that is how to get to the secret areas.

    No Secrets Revealed Beyond this point.

    This map plays well in slayer. At the moment it is also set up for oddball matches with the oddball spawning in one of the secret areas. In team slayer up to 4 teams is best with 2 or 3 people per team or 4 per team if there is less than 4 teams. In FFA slayer I would say 8 people at the most, but you probably only want six. Anyway onto the pictures.

    Overview... one thing wrong with this picture is that the A side of the bridge is missing its wall, I had accidentally deleted it before the picture but its there in the map

    Another overview

    This is the location of the shotgun. The area is kind of like that spot in the original foundry

    Sword base before the roof was put on

    I'd like to thank you all for checking out my maps. Please download each one and please leave feedback either here or on Thanks again and happy forging.

    Download House of Boom
    Download Jokers are Wild
    Burnt Cheese
    #1 Swifty2400, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  2. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Ima post!

    Looks really good. I like the idea of the Y shaped map :)
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Burnt Cheese eh? LOL, wanna give us the story behind that one???
  4. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    Thsi is a good map pack but, I would of givin them better names than you did lkike isn stead of "jokers are wild" I would call it many shaps or something.
  5. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    Well I was home alone and it was around lunch time so I decided to make myself a Grilled Cheese for lunch. Well between working on my map and listening to the new Weezer cd I had forgotten that I was making a Grilled Cheese. Once I had remembered the sandwich, it was a little to late. I took out the grilled part and basically named the map I had been working on after the event.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Actually, this is pretty much the story that I expected. I said to myself "Self, he must have burnt something cheesy while making this map".
  7. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea not a very exciting story, but it is a fun map
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    they all could really use some work. but keep trying and youll get better at it.
  9. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    Well thanks for the honesty. Im just wondering to help me with my future forges what kind of work. Concept, asthetics, what?
  10. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    ok the maps look sloppy so on my next map I know to make things look better. Now can I get feedback on the gameplay of the maps because I feel that is more important than looks in a slayer map
  11. Imperator 14

    Imperator 14 Ancient
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    aleatorio ftw
  12. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    Im sorry that I dont know that much internet acronyms, but what does that mean
  13. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    It means For the Win. Don't worry, I just figured that one out a while ago also. The maps look great! I love the idea behind map packs, they just excite me. Great for a tournament, and I like how you didn't do them all on Foundry. Obviously the merging isn't the best, but I wouldn't have done much better. The gameplay works best, and Burnt Cheese is really fun on Team Slayer (just like a big Mosh Pit). Great job!
  14. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    FFS go away with your "maps look sloppy" your not helping any one except your silly little post count - rant over Hey Swifty you said what needs to be improved in the future, I love you finally a new forger who wants to improve. - Ok from looking at this map pack it seems your very imaginative got a few good ideas up your sleeve which is a great start - But i would say your main area of improvement would be aesthetics. And I mean the whole of the aesthetics section go over and Interlock every little thing untill your "Start new round" button kills itself, and also IF you have budget add the little things that count like cones or forklifts that you cant reach with stuff on them well made car parks always look quite nice. But overall I think your awesome and your maps dont reflect that... YET hopefully your true and want to improve and if you carry on - You will Good job!

    I'm also very disturbed by the amount of people who voted on such bleek outlooks on this map pack, and I can garuntee 80% of them votes are from recently new members * I know im newish but thats not the point* and people who havent played the map they just judging on your screens which IMO sucks but hey.
    #14 Chicken Dippah, Jun 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
  15. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    House of Boom:
    It doesn't look like you did all that much to change the map, besides maybe the flow of Blackout. Not sure whether this would be a problem, but do the man cannons (next to the default blackout sniper spawn) take you over the edge on the other side?
    Try not to have very many fusion coils on your map.On the BR tower, it looks like you have fusion coils flying at the player, so there is no incentive to go up there at all, making the opposite tower the major (only) power spot on the map. This might upset the balance of the map. I would say that the max amount should be five fusion coils or so (which is actually a lot). Unless of course you are incorporating fusion coils in some odd way in your map.

    Jokers Are Wild:
    Not really much to comment on here. It looks like a decent layout, but just messy. I see some major interlocking in some parts, which is good.

    Burnt Cheese:
    Again, just interlock any boxes if they are next to each other, and also turn them upside down. It looks much cleaner that way. I like the layout of this one even better.

    Hope that helped!
  16. Swifty2400

    Swifty2400 Ancient
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    Well thanks a lot Chicken Dippah and xxAl Capwnagexx for the really helpful comments. I know aesthetics is a weakness of mine at the moment (I mean look at the roof of the sword base on Burnt Cheese). I like the ideas of just adding fillers like cones or forklifts and then the flipping boxes idea. I cant believe I didnt think of flipping boxes to make it look better. Oh well I'll make sure to do that. Oh yea Al Capwnage you are basically right about House of Boom. I didnt do much but change the flow but it was my first ever forge and just me getting my feet wet. Anyway Ill make sure to use your ideas to my advantage for my next map and I'll make sure to take better screenshots.

    Oh and to let everyone know, A new version of Burnt Cheese is going to be up in a few minutes with the spawns fixed.
  17. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Yes. Thank you Chicken Dippah. I must say, you are one of the most heplful people on this site.

    Anyway, if you need a massive guide to forging, click here. This was created before Foundry, but it still helps a ton. Merging objects is not in the section, though. Enjoy!
    #17 Norbert220, Jun 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
    Chicken Dippah likes this.
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    they all could really use some work. but keep trying and youll get better at it.

    edit: they are all very good ideas. maybe a v2 will be posted sometime.. make sure you clean up a but. :-D

    edit: i hope this isnt a necro post... i just hit 2 weeks... sry.. i just gotrep on a post and thought id edit it.
    #18 Blaze, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  19. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This is an amzing post for a novice. everything is done correctly and looks like its from someone who has done this alot. i apreciate all the work that you did and it really shows in the format of your post.

    The maps are good first ones but not quite the type of map that will be a hge hit. People here at forgehub are picky.

    -include features such as merging and geomerging (forging 101)
    -make sure the map is balanced
    -have some people test it before hand and edit the maps
    -try to have some innovation on each of your maps which will set it part from others

    Good work. The maps look good although a little bit basic. This isn't a problem for me but it might be for others.

    10/10 for the post
    7/10 for the maps
    Chicken Dippah likes this.

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