Map Title: Layers Very fun, close to medium range combat! Works with everything except Assault and Territories. 2-6 players Download Map Works with all gametypes. Description: First of all, thanks for clicking on this topic. This is my very first map submited to Forge Hub so I hope you like it! A lot of thought has gone into this map, and it's been tested several times with different numbers of people. It can get a little hectic even with 4+ people, but it's still fun. I had the most fun just playing 1v1 with one of my best friends Br1dge Tr0ll who you will see in some of the pictures below (he's got the scout helmet). As you can see from the pictures below, Layers is a small, boxed in map with several levels and walkways. You could call it a symetrical map. It works with every single gametype. Anyways I'm sure you're tired of reading, so I'll get on to the screenshots and explain the map some more at the same time. An overview. You can see now what I was talking about before. You can't get on to that very top walkway (unless you grenade jump...but that's cheating!). You can see in the second layer the camo is peeking around the corner at us...more on that later. The second overview shows a little more of the bottom layer and you get some more understanding of how the map works. There's me at the bottom, and my friend at the top. Here is the bottom layer! You see my friend mindlessly passing the shotgun (a bad mistake if I say so myself). The shotgun is very powerful on this map...almost to powerful. I did balance things out though by giving it zero extra clips. Tip: dual spikers can take out the shotgun with ease if you use them right! Here is the middle level! You can see my friend about to go into one of the teleporters that bring you up to the third layer. Note the BR by the window pane. Here is the camo you saw in the first overview. It is placed on the second layer in an open single box, above the shotgun and below the sniper rifle. And finally, the top level! My friend is coming out of one of the two teleporters that leads to the top level. And...I really have no idea what I'm doing. Ahh, teleporter camping. Annoying, no? I thought of this from the begining. How can I prevent it? Well, there isn't an easy way to do so. A smart player would check his/her radar before they go through the teleporter, to check if there are any enemies secretly waiting for them. Although the enemy may be I added an even smarter way... ...a gate floor! This way, players can see through a section of the floor to the teleporter and shoot their foes, out of danger. These gate floors are also helpful and fun in SWAT. And that's the end! Thank you very much for viewing my topic, I hope this has encouraged you to download and at least try it out. Happy Forging, Stevemcguy :squirrel_grouphug:
Looks like a very fun map... Territories should work nicely and so would assault.. You should incorporate those into it, or if you need help I could help you... And if you didnt want people to grenade jump to the top, just take it off. It could ruin the game if someone goes outside the map. Anyway, looks great! Tell me whenever you play. And also, I love the :squirrel_grouphug: you put and the end of the post!
Hi, thanks for the reply! Now that you mention it, I'm not sure why I didn't put those on in the first place. And I'll try and stop the grenade jumping thing. I'll update with a version 1.2 later. :squirrel_wink:
I like the gate floors, they are nice and handy. It also adds to the realisticness. Props. :squirrel_rocking:
I DLed. I will post a comment when I'm done playing it. If I don't reply within the hour, yell at me via pm.
Can't he yell at you now? Anyway, I would really like to help you make the the map for territories and assault... Again, it looks great.
im confused :squirrel_nono:, maze maps always do that to me. :squirrel_chatting: :squirrel_evil: :squirrel_grouphug: :squirrel_grouphug: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_chatting: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rubberduck: :squirrel_shiftyeyes: :squirrel_wink:-sry just checking out the new smilys
I've already added Assault and Territories, but I haven't uploaded the new version yet. I'll post it up after school tomorrow. Anyways, thanks for the comments everyone!
this looks like a fun small map and im always looking for smaller maps now with XBL being incosistant and having friends over. i DL it but probably won't play for a while.
I like the map in general, and the gate floor in piticular (omg how do u spell that?!). I also think u should leave the grenade jump thing their, cuz it's not like theres weapons up there so theres no huge advantage. Bungie added the second story room on the pit that u have to use to teamwork in order to access, and that doesn't ruin the game so this shouldn't either.
Okay well I did actually leave the grenade jumping thing...I just don't want people falling off the map. >.< BUT don't tell me to fix it, this is the final version. I'm working on another map now so expect more from me.
Yes, this does look quite fun. I like the idea of all the "layers" you have incorporated. You have also done a good job of making this map a standout, which is exactly why I am going to download it and try it out. - Brute Captain
this looks like a good map, neat playable balanced but i think it's a bit ordinary there's nothing to really make this map stand out that i can see