My xbox RROD'd on me recently, and when I got the replacement, I noticed that my old one had put some circular scratches on my Halo disc. For the most part it works fine, but there's one level I can't play on anymore (the Ark). I was going for the meta-game achievements when I found out about the scratches, and Microsoft told me they won't replace the disc. grrr... So, my question is, have any of you guys used a scratch-removal kit and if so, is it worth it to get one? Thanks, -squid
scratch removal is great..for discs, never clean your can have far worse effects than you'd expect I dont recommend trying this on your Halo 3 disc...but i actually know someone who cleans their discs with somehow seems to work Again, i do NOT recommend it lol
First of all, did you actually call customer support? Microsoft replaced my Halo 3 disc because my 360 scratched it and they didn't argue about it at all. I'd complain to customer support some more.
Thanks for the responses, guys. I did talk to customer support, but if they replaced yours tygard, I'll give them a call again. One of the things I had read about was the toothpaste fix, and I'm definitely not trying it on my Halo disc. I play it waay too much to risk ruining the whole thing... I'll probably end up getting one of the kits, but now I have hope again that I can get it replaced. Thanks a lot!
That's exactly what happened to me! my old xbox made circular scratches on a lot of my discs, and GRAW and Oblivion wouldn't work because of that, but now i have a new xbox XP
I would just go to a local store and pick up any disc cleaning kit advertised for video game disc use. I actually had a friend who put his games into his toilet, shiny side up, and flushed it to make them work. Crazy thing is it actually worked. I would definitely not recommend trying this, just wanted to share that.
I heard that you can get a pan of water and heat it until it's really hot, and then put the disc in and wipe it off, or something like that.
Actually I tried to do the toothpaste thing to my Halo disc before I sent it in to Microsoft. ;D ..... the scratches where too deep for it to work, the toothpast trick really only works on cds.
The toothpaste thing is just too weird for me to want to try. There were girls in my high school who put toothpaste on their zits to dry them out and make them go away. That's always bothered me for some reason...
lmfao! I only put the toothpaste in my post as a reference as numerous friends of mine have done it and had successful results, i DO NOT recommend it as it does not work all of the time, i myself have never tried it because of what sniper said, and the fact that putting toothpaste on my discs just sounds retarded ANYWHO, the real problem of 360's scratching discs is the fact that recent Xbox 360's (the future ones i do not know) do not have rubber guards around the lens as most Computer disc drives have. I don't know why this is and i expected more from microsoft, but lately theyve just been jipping everyone...
resurfacer work quite well for me. It doesn't matter what resurfacer you use they are all the same thing.
Thanks everyone. I still plan on calling Microsoft and see if they'll replace my Halo disc, but I think I'm going to get a resurfacer now since they really seem to work. I'm sure this won't be a one-time thing.
the scratch on the disc is from having your 360 stand up. stand up your 360 was a horrible idea from the start cuz the main intake for air circulation is on the bottom plus when you stand it up if it isnt making a perfect 90 degree angle with the surface its sitting on its going to ruin your discs (ive lost a few) but as far as repairing discs this didnt work on mine with the circle scratchs but its fixed every other scratch ive got on my games. its a lil bottle from gamestop. its a white bottle and it says "disc skip fixer" one it. they robly have them by the register
Sorry, not the case here. I've never stood it up. The scratches were caused by my xbox when it was sitting flat as usual. It just decided to freak out on me one day. The replacement I have now won't even open the tray if it's standing up. Why was it that Apple never got into the console biz?