If you check out a map and think that it's good tell people and don't JUST download it, rate it and leave feedback. think about it if you posted a map wouldn't you want people to do the same
Nemi, then how are people supposed to see your "good" map, since like 10 maps are posted a day, it would be gone in no time if no one posted...
Don't tell me what to do.Lol jk but thats ture but only some people are'nt lazy enough to do that.And if the map hasn't been posted on for more than a month then don't do it.I know it sounds harsh but it keeps the froums cleaner.
Point. However, that's the way it works. If people want to post in it, they can. However, you have to keep in mind that the majority of users here will just use it as an excuse to spam.
even if that's the case there is no way for some of the amazing underground maps to get noticed if the aren't brought to light. seriously if you like it, chances are that somebody else will too and they know somebody who will and so on. don't let the little guys go unheard
All my maps get ignored, i've even got links in my sig on every website i visit, and i still have less than 50 downloads.
If the map is new on the board, by all means, review it. Just don't bump up the old maps in the back.
actually I disagree with the necroposting thing because ok if its new people will lookn at it but I tend to look beyond the front page of maps and its this lack of necroposting thats caused such rage on Bungie.net as maps are gone in seconds and here is starting to become worringly like there now in terms of maps posted and such. This is meant to be a place without the bribery and corruption of Bungie.net a place where people who truly enjoy custom maps can come and not just an advertising billboard to try and get recon due to map feedback on Bungie.net created from people here
yeah i noticed how this site is staring to lose the essence of what it started out to be and unless TDF just made it so that he could get his little spotlight then i'm seriously disappointed. not hating on TDF just sayin i think we should take forgehub back to what it was.
if u think about it the ppl that take ther time making a map and they post it to only find out its on the tenth page because of all the ppl bumping ther own map, just dont do it, the system works o ye maybe ur map isnt good enough im not saying its not but i had 130 downloads in a day on my horizon map
Im glad its not just me feeling that because previously forge discussion was bigger than the actuall maps section and more active but not maps is more active and in disscussion the same topics seem to keep coimng in only days after they dropped below page one previously