this is a new puzzle map i made (y GT is Gman9091) and it is on Blackout Story: you are the spec-ops lone Member, you must go through the enemy Robot-Miner and find the Control Room and take it for your sides own Porpposes i am sorry i cant make them bigger Links: Map Gametype PICS Jumperiific! 2 Paths 2 Right Paths 1 Correct Path Dead End? follow the yellow sided Road Itz a Trap! I WINZ!!!
I hate to say it but....This post does not meet forge hub standards. Look here to correct said problem:
i just added the link i had forgot but otherwise, what doesnt meet standards, i have read the standards and they seem to be followed, it has links, pics, info and a good title
for me the pictures says "screenshot not found" looks like you removed the screenshots from your file share.
OK everybody i dont know what your problem is, i see the pics on my computor without any problems, if you guys cant i dont know why, and im not allowed to use those uploading sites(for reasons uknown)
Puzzle map on Blackout? these are rarely made. please fix your post so that we can all see it and be persuaded to download it. Thanx
guys, what isnt fixed????????? this si really confusing i see no problems anyway, if pics areso important somone go download and take pics and post them, i will edit them in
I don't mean to be rude, but technically it's not the communities job to take pictures for the author. Also, if you read the replies, people said the pictures weren't showing up.
thats because we arnot on your computer go to to embed your pics for more info go to the link in my sig titled "this"
ok, everybody, i will fix the shots either tonight or tomorrow, its 7PM here so it will likely be tomarroEDIT: i cant, i have no clue on what to do I NEED HELP
here go to this it will help with screenshots
ok, guys, all pics will have to be small, i dont know what this pic stuff is, thoes guides only make me more confused
This map 1/5, the ones is just for trying but, if you ewant a good map you need to make a good page lay out for it.
I cant see the pic.. lol I cant downloading not knowing what im downloading.. so make the pics better or something