Remake of my map CQB. Download Map Description: A couple people requested me to make this remake of my CQB map on construct. Now my first map on construct was at very most team doubles map. . . yeah I don't recomend team doubles on this one this is deffenatly a head on head map, if you download it please rate and comment, if you think it could use improvement please tell me and I might make a V3! Here are the weapons: 2 smgs 2 battle rifles 1 carbine 2 maulers 1 shotgun 2 snipers 4 plasma grenades 2 frag grenades 2 spike grenades View of the "main lift" View of the main room from the "lift" view of the back corridors. Oh and see?!?!?!? I use interlocking!!!!!! actually that was an accident. . . but seriously I do.
It might just be my computer, but I'm getting an Access Denied page on instead of the map page.
Cozy little map, decent for 1v1s, only a couple questionable spots. 1) Each side of the ramp opposite of the reciever teleporter is impossible to climb without jumping on. This could potentially give trouble to people traversing this area. 2) Sniper Rifles just don't really seem to fit in such close-quarters. Other than those two issues, everything else fits in and doesn't give me any problems. 3/5
The ramps I knew about, I appreciate it though. Any suggestion's how to make them easier to traverse. Check out the original map, the sniper's make a little more sense.
There is geomerging, but that takes alot of patience and understanding to get the objects you want to geomerge to do what you want them to do. Here's a link to instructions on geomerging. Personally, I use the door technique, alot quicker in my opinion.
nice map i like the fact that it as alot of room to fight with just make sure you never over do you area of it are it would look like you wiped up a map real fast
in picture 2 have you considered putting the wall into the ground, to help it walk better(not so bumpy)
ya i agree with jay clash, geomerging wall hills isnt actually that hard, i suggest you do it to make it neater. anyway i can't really get a good feel of the layout, but i will DL and do a forgethrough. be back with feedback later maybe.