This is a second version of my map, Solitude. It is a three leveled map for free for all slayer. I suggest about 2-6 players, as it gets a little crowded after that.The main point of this map is that close range combat and long range combat both work effectively. The sword is in the center and tends to be charged after at the start, so you can use this to your advantage to get some of the weapons scattered across the map. In the second version, I fixed some of the issues with the general layout. There were some places you could escape the map. I also made some more respawn points, to reduce the chances of spawn-killing. Download Solitude V2 This is my first post on ForgeHub, so forgive me if there are some mistakes. Any constructive criticism is well appreciated!
No worries. Just read this thread and you will have all of your answers. Be sure to edit this thread instead of making a new one after reading the rules.
I am trying to get the pictures from Will that work or will I have to do it some other way? I copy the URL and the paste it in between . Help please!
basically, save the pics from bungie to your computer, then use or to upload your pics...then use the "forum" url to insert in < there...once done, you should have your pics up and running, good luck and i cant wait to see what you have for us today
Thank you Tex! The pictures have finally started working! If you download this please comment on it. I really want to know if I did something wrong.
Has anyone on here been able to get out of the map, because someone on said they did and I can't figure out how they did it. If you find a flaw, please tell me about it!
pretty cool map although i sugest more pics of it ... you hide its coolness with your absence of many pictures
u hav got the right idea and so far looks quite good but more pics and a better description would b nice and tell us more about it, good job so far
I have added a bit more desrciption for the map in the first post, so I hope that may give you all a better idea about the map! Sorry I have not been on in a while, I ran out of Forge ideas. But, I have been brainstorming some new ones and I hope to start them soon!
alright constructive criticsm is my favorite thing to do. Anyway... I can't download the maps right now because my xbl ran out. I will judge from the pictures as best I can. Sorry Any multi leveled map should have a few spots for cover from the top level so that the person in the top level can't dominate the entire time. And from what I see in the pictures, this would be more of an Assault Rifle/dual based map rather than a good BR map. It's too close and the playing area is small I like the shape of the map, but the size isn't good enough. A much bigger version of this map would be awesome, ESPECIALLY if the 2nd and 3rd floors had more space to run around in. My rating is a 3/5 just from looking at pictures