Duplicate map posts are not allowed. Next time contact a moderator or admin about moving it. Please pm me a link me to the other post I will delete it. -Donuts
Thanks for the feedback, I have started making a larger Mall Map for an Infection type game that has working elevators that go UP and DOWN. as well as more fountians and shops..larger shops!!! STORES. If I can make it look a little better then there should be escolators as well... Thanks for your replies and DLs.
I DL'd this map and I love it I use it for my clan matches and such and I play here so much that I beat everyone because I know where everything is GREAT JOB 10/5
Looks awesome. Ive been looking around for any new and good infection maps, and i must say that this one caught my interest and i will be playing on it for a long time. Great Job!
Please read this thread about how to post your map. Note that you are not allowed to have anything but the map title. I have changed this for you. 'Why has my topic title changed?' Read this first - ForgeHub Halo Forums -Donuts
Thanks guys, Im glad everyone is able to use it well in an infection match, Id hate to get stuck in the restroom or 3 floor when the infected corner you. Please feel free to send me an Invite sometime so that we can play some Infected Games on this map. I could really use some footage to put together and put up on Youtube for everyone to see.