I didn't know that there was going to be a second version... I DL'd the first version yesterday... Anywho, this version looks a lot better than the first version. I have started DL'ing the second version, and will add to this post later after looking around in Forge. EDIT: Okay... It is a LOT easier to get out of the map than I had originally thought. There are probably 2 or 3 ways to get out simply by jumping, and another 2 or 3 using grenade-jumps and brute-shot-jumps. Somehow, I ended up on top of the room with all the grav lifts and man-cannons in it... I don't know how, but it happened. Other than that, this map is very well designed and built. There are only a few areas that need a little improvement. Some of the weapons are questionable, like the rocket launcher. Why would someone want a high-explosive rocket flying around indoors? Easy betrayals and suicides for sure... In its place, I'd have a shotgun or mauler. The rest of the weapons are great for the playing environment. To conclude, there are some aspects of the map that need a quick fix. Despite that, the map is great as is, and players can always go through in Forge to tweak the map to their liking. Great work on this.
Thanks, yea I wasnt planning on making another version of this, but I received so much feedback that I was like dang... they are right... I rushed it and I know I could fix this. After watching an episode of Stargate SG-1 I was able to make a pretty good Hanger... big enough to have some major battles. I wish I had some more "money" to add a 2nd Hanger. Does anyone know how I could go about doing something like that?
Does that really work? Ive been told about it before, but I didn't think it was 100 percent. I mean if I had limitless Walls to work with I could make Insane Maps. Someone send me a link to one of these Money Gltich Maps PLEASE.
Now this is what I call originality! It actually gives the impression of being on a docking station. Nice image shopping as well.
Just go to the maps section where it shows competitive, casual, minigames etc. and scroll down to the subforums. then there should be a forum there that has a list of them. EDIT: since i'm so nice heres a link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2493
Thanks, I managed to find it through Google last night and begun making a new map with it a while ago. Thanks again.
Thanks for the feedback, Ive been away for a week in L.A, so im catching up on all the comments and messages I got over the week.
Thanks, if you liked this one then I know youll get a kick out of the extended version of this map. I posted it as the United Space Alliance Cargo Hanger. Its a extremly large map with tons of amazing aesthetic made objects that look great and actually play well in all Gametypes. Take a look.
Yea I know, it was a first draft and now i have better ones... check out CARGO HANGER if you want to play on a beautiful map.