Okay so here it is: the highly requested sequel to my Mind Trap puzzle map which is well over 3000 downloads with a high rating. But this puzzle map is not only the sequel to Mind Trap but also an Indiana Jones themed puzzle map as a tribute to the new movie. I am a huge Indy fan so I couldn't resist incorprating some Indy-styled challenges and stunts into this map. When I told you that I had poured every ounce of cunning I had into Mind Trap, I lied. This map has every ounce of cunning I have poured into it. Honestly, I spent over a month dreaming up new and interesting challenges for this one. Then I spent about 40 hours actually forging and tweaking the massive thing. No other map has caused me so many headaches. And then there was the testing. I ran hundreds (And I mean hundreds) of tests making sure that every break was found and fixed so it would be perfect the first time. I even got BuddhaCrane the break master to thoroughly test it for me. So enjoy it so that I can feel my time was not wasted. IMPORTANT: Download Mind Snare Here Download Crystal Skull Gametype Here Problems with other maps and how I’ve solved them in mine: 1) Many puzzle maps out there are so ridiculously hard that it’s absurd that the creator could even assume that players would be able to find their way to the end without assistance. To avoid this problem I design every challenge thinking “would players be able to figure this out on their own”. I also make the challenges as logical as possible so instead of having players desperately comb every inch of the walls for a way to glitch out of the room, they actually use their intelligence to solve the problem at hand. 2) Other puzzle maps can be very repetitive in the challenges that it gets so boring and so predictable that you’ve completely lost your interest in it halfway through. I found this with a lot of the Saw maps- you just turret glitch out of one room, then mongoose glitch through the ceiling, then turret glitch through the wall, then warthog glitch to the next room etc.Mine is not like that. I have made all the challenges very different from each other so you can very easily distinguish one room from another. That’s not to say that mine doesn’t have any glitching, it’s saying that there is much much more to my map. 3) Some puzzle maps require very difficult or near impossible jumps and moves to be made to advance in the puzzle. It takes you about 50 tries before you finally get it only to die on the next challenge and have to do it again. This makes puzzle maps very frustrating and people either then delete it or just take it to forge and take it apart to get through it, which wrecks the fun of playing a puzzle map.I do not have any extremely difficult jumps or moves incorporated into my map to pass it. Every challenge can be beat by someone with mediocre skill in Halo. It also has a checkpoint system so that once you make it to a certain point you won't have to pass certain challenges again. 4) Most puzzle maps out there request that you only play them by yourself. While it’s cool that you don’t have to find somebody to play it with you, it sucks that you can’t fully enjoy it if you want to include a friend.You can play this map either by yourself or with your friends- it doesn’t matter as my map is passable both ways. However, if you do play it with more than two people you may be able to find certain exploits. If so then your challenge will be to get everyone to the end or you can just choose to not take advantage of your large party. Either way this map is optimized to give you a great experience. 5) The only real complaint about my predecessor map Mind Trap was the fact that the seventh challenge took place outside the rest of the map and was not contained so players were ‘free’ to roam about. And while I did like the idea that you were out of the map and the challenge was to get back in it, I do admit that it allowed for many breaks to be found.So this time I have not incorporated that feature. It is not possible to get outside of this map in any challenge. 6) A vast amount of puzzle maps out there are quite short since they are not budget-glitched, Mind Trap included.This map is budget-glitched and so it will keep you going for a total of 18 challenges, many of which include sub-challenges. The Pictures(SPOILER ALERT: Viewing these may hint the answers to some challenges, and will decrease the awe of discovering these places on your own.)- The First Room The Small Pit The Main Lobby Crate Room The Large Pit Danger The Barrel Hallway Challenge 11 Challenge 12 The Hidden Room Teleport Hallway Challenge 15 Final Run The Crystal Skull Special Thanks: Kirk- My co-worker who helped me develop some of the map’s ideas. BuddhaCrane- For a thorough and rigorous testing of the map to help find breaks. SPOILER SECTION Hints Challenge 1- There are two of what you need to pass this room. One works better than the other. Challenge 2- Two ways to pass this, one involves something you may have leftover from the first room. Challenge 3- So many paths and yet the one to go is not any of them... Challenge 4- You’ll need to use your archaeological skills you’ve mastered so well Dr. Jones, as there is something peculiar about this room. Challenge 5- Let your hearing guide you, the sound is much fainter than those louder ones you hear and may be familiar from challenge 3. Challenge 6- Precision, logic, and aim will help you prevail on this one. Challenge 7- Dribble your way through the obstacles. Challenge 8- From the top to the bottom. Challenge 9- If you need a step then make your own! Challenge 10- Now it’s time for the good old Indiana Jones whip swing across the pit, Halo style. Challenge 11- Just keep on walking until the ceiling disappears, that’s where you need to go. Challenge 12- You just fell down but now you need to get back up again. Use those problem-solving skills Indy, and use them wisely. Challenge 13- You’ve been here before, but if you were wise with challenge 12 you will be able to access a hidden area. Challenge 14- Ah! Now when you tread the path of familiarity you have the tools to change your direction. Challenge 15- Indy’s not much of a mathematician but he knows his angles. Challenge 16- There was a way in but is there one out? Uh oh, this could be the end of Indiana Jones. Challenge 17- Ah ha! You have found a new path! A much more dangerous and deadly path... You knew this was coming. Challenge 18- Well, you’ve endured this temple’s worst. Now claim your prize- The Great Crystal Skull! Crap, it’s Raiders of the Lost Ark all over again!! If you really want to spoil the fun then here's the link to the walkthrough on my fileshare: Mind Snare Walkthrough YouTube - Mind Snare Puzzle Map Walkthrough (Bungie Renedered Video) END SPOILER SECTION Thanks, and please give feedback!
Woot! First! Sounds like a crazy map- I think I speak for everyone when I say I would like to see it! I'll download it- but others might not. You should fix the pics! Edit: Nvm- pics are fine, I'm stupid. One won't work srry
Yeah I tried embedding pics but all I get is a picture of a red 'X'. I dunno if you guys can see it but I sure can't. I'm working on how to solve it right now, but in the meantime the links work.
There, can anybody tell me if that first picture is embedded. All it shows me is a red 'X'. If it works, I'll switch all of the pictures to that format.
MAWMAWMAMWAWM lol looks fun i luv these map challenging things... lol yum yum i would love to try =O =P im crazy lololol FANTABULOUSO I gun download =P good job i say?
this looks sweet and fun. you really need to embedd your pics more, it would probably get more attention
Yes I see what you mean - try uploading the pics to photobucket. I think it may be to do with where they're hosted.
This is such a cool map! Great idea by the way, but I unfortunatly don't have the skills to finish the map...
Yeah, I got to the third challenge, and just can't get it. Very challenging, very fun, but I also think that you could have made a few improvements, such that if you complete a challenge once, then die, you don't need to do them all again. EDIT: Got to the fourth room, but still can't get that one
I did, there's a link to it at the bottom of my first post. Also, I finally managed to get the pictures up. I hope you like!