Summary: The Beach House was a beautiful place that was located on a island. Under the island was a valcano. This beautiful place has now turned into the most dangerous place to be! A map that goes great with Slayer, Team Doubles, and KIng of the Hill. This map represents a house on a island, with a pond in the middle. There is also a waterfall, The fusion coils blowing up underground represents the valcano eruptting underground! 2-4 players DOWNLOAD BEACH HOUSE Overview Here is a very helpful video by me showing a tour of my map called The Beach House! >LINK TO YOUTUBE VID
BIG LONG TITLE! I would suggest changing it to JUST the name of the map. Also, the videos are always a winner, but they don't seem to be properly embedded. Possibly a couple more pics could be good. Anyways, looks interesting, but I'll watch the vid. EDIT: Ok, so I watched the video. It was fantastic, with excellent voiceovers. I didn't think it gave quite enough overview on where each room was on the map, but it was still a great representation. However, this is not to say I thought your description and overall post were very good. It seems like you created the video, spent all your time on that, then just posted this as an afterthought. Regardless, the map looks very nice and quite well-built.
I'll download. Looks aesthetically good (from the video). You should include more pics because not everyone is patient enough to watch an 8 minute video.
looks like a nicely made house. but i think i speak for everyone when i say, if it looks this good from just this one pic i think this map deserves for pics :]
well i like how you put a youtube vid but still you need more pics and a shorter title. but the map is cool i give a 3/5
looks really good, i like the idea and layout, the video is a nice feature, some places its a bit sloppy, but overall looks really fun good job