This is a tiny map build in the foundry. It is four players max. This tiny map was built for Oddball, hence the name. It can be used with slayer, and my version of Oddball. just a reminder, This is a small map, so more than four players would not be fun at all. Also double team is not recommended because you can spawn camp and most likely spawn outside the map, which wouldn't be fun in my opinion. This is where the ball spawns: This is the bottom potion of the map: This is the top portion of the map: Now for random photos. Soccer is fun! Oddball vs Rockets who wins? Rockets won, big surprise: Dodge the brute shots! The weapons: Rockets x2, no clips, respawn time, 30 secs. Shotgun x2, no clips, Respawn time, 30 secs. Sword x2, Respawn time, 1 min. Battle rifles x8, 2 clips, Respawn time, 30 secs. Machine Gun Turret x2 Plasma Grenades, respwan time, 10 secs. Flame grenades, respawn time, 10 secs. Fragmentation Grenades, respawn time, 10 secs. Oddball Oasis Oddball foundry My version of oddball is NOT one hit kill, sorry I forgot to include that. Hope You like it.
well all i have to say is wow nice interlocking but this is just not the kind of maps im into (amorys=not cool) but any way 2/5
I think it could use some work because of right now its far to simple and blan you need to add something that says " download me" because I don't see that in this two room hut.
good interlocking, but it lokks boring. you should have better weapon placement, usually maps with armories and many power weapons are in casual
Too many power weapons. And never leave a power weopn with a default spawn time. Also oddball and shield doors never really work well.
the shield door makes it.... too easy for the oddball guy. its just like on snowbound. people camp in the shield doors all the time.