any object it could b real life 1 or a made up 1, just what object do u think thier should b in forge
Openable doors! I know you can make basic ones, but they're not so good. Also, lights would be pretty cool, especially with the new 'filter' items.
Be able to spawn marines and make them patrol certain areas, Choice their weapons, health etc. that would be beast.
wow, you're all a bunch of creepy bastards I would just like more of what we have, and no limit personally
I was just thinking how real some maps would feel if you had broken down cars(like in Halo 2) and rubble. This would probably would better if you could design your own map from scratch though
This has already been made. By Furious D18, Use the search feature next time. And Tit, it wouldn't be in HaloDiscussion?
ya, this was made already alby, i recognized that aswell, but his was made forever ago, so it's practically necro bumping, also his was made for the new map pack coming out (which back then was heroic, ie. Foundry). Go check it out, this new thread is totally valid, as noone wanted to read through the old one anyways, they just kept posting the same things over n over...
openable doors, if the made some type of outdoor map... placeable hills that merge into the ground (like doors).