There doesn't have to be supports all the way around. Just like something to make it look like it is being held up. Like a bridge support thing coming out of the water...
Good point. I was tinking about it, but decided I liked the fact that it was floating. THanks for the pointers though.
Looks awesome, It appears that the warthog can drive under the bridges made of walls. Awesome construction, 5/5
To be honest, for an open map, this is VERY open. I'd say that if a few more structures were added, this map would be much, much better. Make up a new version and let us see its true potential!
Ether- perhaps you didnt read well enough either. I updated it, and included a few pictures of the tweaks. It is far less open now. Stop reading so fast bud!
I hate when people complain about a map being to open. It doesn't make a map bad. Just look a Highground. Good map for sniping and CQB. The main structure looks awesome. I'll give it a download...
this map does look very open but i know you said that but this map looks really cool i will definetly download
Was that sarcastic? I dont know how I was mean on your thread, and yet somebody gave me negative rep. All I did was state my opinion, which was, I think this map looks tiny, but its still good. And somebody negative repped me! WTF!?!? If it wasn't sarcastic, Thank you.
I like this a lot. I typically don't like maps that are this open, but you've included a hog to balance that out. I have yet to step into the realm of vehicles on foundry but I'll probably think of something eventually. Very nice map, looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks Jump! Most people don't leave very intelligent responses like that, they simply say OMG NICE MAPZORZ to get their post count up. Plus rep to you sir.