Yes,Train Maps Are Getting A Little Annoying,And Yes This Is A Train Map.But, I Love The Concept And Downloaded Every One I Could Find, And NONE Were Symmetrical.So,I Made My Own. Description Whatch Where U Step, Theres A Train Coming How Many Players It Holds 2-16 6-10 Recommended Gametypes All Main Track Close Up On Sniper Spawn. Note: The teleporters have been moved to the plasma grenade spawn on the fence closest to you in picture one Looking Back From Sniper Spawn Secondary Track Equipment List -Spawn Rate 1 Regenerator ---------------------60 1 Oversheild -----------------------60 3 Plasma Grenades -----------------10 4 Frag Grenades -------------------10 Weapons List -Spawn Rate -Spare Clips 1 Battle Rifle ---------------------20 ---------------------2 1 Assault Rifle --------------------20 ---------------------2 1 Magnum ------------------------30 --------------------2 1 Sniper Rifle ---------------------30 ---------------------1 1 Shotgun ------------------------30 ---------------------2 2 Smg's --------------------------30 ----------------------2 Pros All Gametypes Holds Up To 16 Players 2 Train Tracks Only 1 Place To Get Out (On EACH Side) Trains Work Every Time 2 Stories Pretty Big For A Train Map Loads Of Fun Guaranteed Laughter Cons (Yes, I Am Brave Thank You) Floors Are Not Interlocked In All Places 1 Way To Get Out Not Much Aesthetics For Territories And Destination Points, There Are 6 Different Places To Score/Capture For Each Gametype. When U Play This Map, It Is Recommended That U Make It So There Is No Access To Vehicles Incase ANYTHING Goes Wrong. Although NOTHING Has Gone Wrong When Ive Played It Yet. I Spent About 3 Days On This Map, So Please Check It Out And Comment. Download
Well just something I can say off the bat, never ever clump spawns together like that. It can ruin an entire map, and to that same point, avoid taking pictures in forge so your map looks more attractive.
um the map looks extrodnarly fun but i can see theres not that much interlocking on the floor it was just placed in. could you try to fix it? but youve got my download 9/10 (10/10 but the floor srry)
Not trying to put you out there, but do you even know what interlocking is? You clearly said that you ran out of money so you couldn't interlock. OFF THE INTERLOCKING: This accually does look like a good map. but you might want to re-do it and do what Brute Captain said about the spawns being clumped up.
yeah i already changed that on mine and might swap them some time. and yes i know what interlocking is geeez i ran out of money so i couldnt purchase boxes to interlock the floor
ok enough with the interlocking. i interlocked AS MUCH AS I COULD WITHOUT MAKING THE MAP SMALLER! PLz Stop complaining about interlocking and yes i know about the spawns if u would care to read the other comments before posting u wouldnt seem like such as ass. ( sorry just getting annoyed a little from hearing the same thing like 20 times)
I think that this would be a good FFA map you just need to interlock/clip those double boxes on the floor and youll be all good great scenery its gewd
im sure he knows what interlocking is...its just if he interlocked the floor..the map would get smaller and more difficult to work with...the floors fine to least you can walk on it
looks like a fun map, however I can't stop looking at the floor. so many grenades will be lost in those many. 4/5 from me.
Thank you, one smart person here and also, ive already started on improving spawns,Floor, and the layout of everything. although, it will be basically the same except a little neater if i can pull it off without ruining everything. but im trying people, im trying