Map The Circle Lots of equipment for killing your opponents. 4 little tunnels around the map. Max 12 players. Game Circle Ball (Oddball) Free-for-all. 10min. Gravity hammers infinite ammo. Ball carrier red, all other players white. Ball carrier 50% gravity. Outside map overview. Ball spawn, spawn points all face the ball. 4 way symmetrical view. View of the ceiling. Action shots coming tomorrow!!!
WOW. It looks like you took a HUGE amount of time to get all of that interlocking down, dude. It looks like a sphere-load of fun and all, but if you give a better description of the map and maybe add in some pics of actual gameplay, your DL's will probably increase hugely. Nice job!
this should be in the casual maps section Apart from that the map looks good. But so much equipment just made me not want to DL, so I didnt.
this map looks well interlocked and really fun. but i also agree that this might belong in casual map section because of the amount of equipment. but good job
Interesting i think this will be more succesful in pulling people in with just a few good action pics
Its a shame you cant see the spawn points on actual gameplay becasue they give a really nice asthetic look to your arena!
That's gotta be the best dome I have ever seen! I really like the roof. 5/5 who the heck rated it 1 star???
thanks everybody for the responses and the reason for the equipment is to make the game play insane and crazy.
This isn't bad. I like the idea of having equipment sprawled across the ground as opposed to the grenade covered floors you so often see in this style of map. You ever think about connecting the four overshield boxes? You could have a little corridor running around the map.
it looks verry cool i like the interlocked roof.Probobly get some game shots in thier and its perfect.