PLEASE MOVE POST TO SUGGESTIONS!!! Accident post here. An interesting thought occurred to me why can't there be a forum where you have spending points for a map to be seen. For example every active or above member gets a 100 points to spend on your map to be seen. You can split the 100 points on several maps or use all of it on one map. The more points you spend the more it will be seen. You can also gain or lose points based on your actions? Thoughts?
PLEASE MOVE TO SUGGESTIONS SECTION. === Yaviman it can help motivate people to be nice and active for example.
It'd kinda be an all or nothing thing cuz if it wasn't perfected, it would suck. I guess if the people in charge of the forum really knailed it down and worked out the kinks it MIGHT work. I think it might be too hard to validate the rewrd though... and i'm not sure wut reward would be...