Yea its really easy to use too, for basic video editing. If you want to get into any of the major video editing contact me when I get a moniter for my computer so I can help you out. Right now I am on my dads laptop because my moniter died. -Donuts
That was a pretty sweet video. I just started getting good at the mongoose driving. Thanks for the inspiration.
Combine a talented forger, tons of patience, and mongoose driving, and you get this. A really awesome, perfectly timed clip of neat mongoose tricks. I applaud you.
Nice vid Furious. That was some impressive map timing. If you want, I can add a title and other stuff to the video. I have a capture card and Studio 10, so I can add something at the beginning that says "A Furious D 18 Production" or like that. Just PM if you want me to.
I am really interested in seeing the other contestants that did better than you after see that. Could you post a link to the group or something.
I'm pretty happy with the video the way it is, but thanks anyway. But I'm sure I can find a use for your services in the future, lol. When you don't have a capture card, people with capture cards are like your best friend. Well, I agree with the final decision. The contest was actually about mongoose stunts, and this video mainly showcases Forge stunts and timing stunts. The winning video was where a guy placed a shield door horizontally on the floor of Foundry, and then he drove the mongoose over it several times to do a bunch of cool tricks like a wall plant, a barrel roll, and a bouncing wheelie. It was very simple, but impressive nonetheless.
It was on my group. I won't post the group url because we don't advertise. We only invite people who have demonstrated that they can be mature and courteous, and that excludes a large portion on the internet. Nothing personal.
Okay Furious D. Contact me anytime if you need any help with other capture card related things. I'd be glad to help.
I thought I posted this before, but I guess not. Since this came in 2nd, what possibly could have came in 1st? I must see the video.