NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET CREATED BY EMERGING KILLER THIS MAP IS ONLY USED FOR ZOMBIES if you have ever seen the nightmare on elm street movies, then you know that freddy krueger reaks havoc in all of them and there seems to be no hope because of his so called dream scaring, which is what i have done here but you have to use your imaginations a bit, ok so who ever is the humans have fallen asleep in their bads up stairs or so they thought, well they are actually quite awake and they are terrified of the killings going on in their town, so they band together in the house to kick freddys ass, with a few casualties along the way. everyone remembers that freddy is invunerable unless hit by fire then he is powerless, so since it is the humans dream they have put a bunch of fire stuff in the kitchen such as a flame thrower, and a few fire grenades so use them wisely, but if you are alone in the house you must gain some confidence to face freddy and bring him down. another way to kill freddy if you have ever watched the last freddy krueger movie he is put into the boiler and deep fried so you can also do that too. but if standing alone in the house and everyone else is down in the basement, i would go to or things could get a bit messy. TO DOWNLOAD GAME VARIENT:nightmare on TO DOWNLOAD MAP VARIENT: elm street PICTURE 1: OVERVIEW FROM FRONT PICTURE 2: SIDE VIEW FROM HOUSE PICTURE 3: SIDE VIEW FROM HOUSE PICTURE 4: FREDDY'S BURNED DOWN ABANDONED FACTORY PICTURE 5: KITCHEN PICTURE 6: DINING ROOM PICTURE 7: LUXORY BATHROOM PICTURE 8: MASTER BEDROOM PICTURE 9: SECONDAY BEDROOM WITH WINDOW VIEW PICTURE 10: SPARE BEDROOM PICTURE 11: THEATRE ROOM PICTURE 12: BASEMENT/BOILER ROOM BATTLE PICS PICTURE 13: TAUNTING FREDDY'S NERVES PICTURE 14: UNSTOPPABLE DREAM PICTURE 15: FREDDY'S POSSESION SPELL (BETRAYL) 1-2 FREDDY'S COMING FOR YOU 3-4 BETTER LOCK THE DOOR 5-6 GRAB YOUR CRUCIFIX 7-8 BETTER STAY UP LATE 9-10 NEVER SLEEP AGAIN PICTURE 16: YOU HAVE BETTER BACK OFF ***** PICTURE 17: HERE'S FREDDY YOU BASTARD WAYS TO KILL FREDDY PICTURE 18: EASY ASSAINATION PICTURE 19: MEDIUM KILLED BY WEAPONS PICTURE 20: HARDEST KILL TO DO BLOW THE BOILER IN HIS FACE thank you and please enjoy emerging killer
I love zombie maps, and I like the idea of using Freddy Kreuger, but juggernaught would have worked better I would think. Since there can only be one Freddy, unless the other zombies are the possessed ones? anyway, I would suggest doing juggernaught, thats all, the map looks great.
creeeeeeepy. DL :] i love freddy. i like your pictures, they show the map well. i think you did a nice job making the map too.
this looks fun, although i've never seen the film (it is a film right?), but the scenery looks nice and its a very good house =D