In many halotracks race maps, a box spawns on the starting point, lifting players over a gate. it does not trap or launch them. it lifts them up. How is this performed? thanks
well generally the gate is not very high to begin with. but all they really do is have the box spawn about 30-45seconds into the game. if it is not a huge space between the box they were on and the box that spawned it will just lift them up.
So you interlock a box slightly higher than the old one and have it spawn a little late into the game? so in theory, you could get a bunch of these together so that every 10 seconds you would be lifted up to a new level?
eep, i cant seem to get it, please explain more. if you know how to do it, post a tutorial or something, because i really need to know how to do this
I've never seen an exact example of this, but it sounds like its just crates held in place and grav lifts that spawn using timed map events under neath them. and or its just a double box that spawns? have you tried just doing that? if you do try on a mongoose. I think i'm more confused then you are, actually. and or go into forge and look at one of these maps.
don't know how to help you then, sorry. go screw around in forgea nd you'll figure it out after while.
If the box is only generally 1 wall-width or less higher than the original surface it won't actually trap anything. This is how it works.
TurboGerbil is right. Just time it so that it pops up only a few seconds after the start of the game, and you'll be good to go.