My awful interpretation of how this might work: Each room except the middle would have some sort of powerup available to the holding team. The middle room is the hardest to hold, so should have a big reward for holding it, like the OS and Active Camo.
Hey I designed a map vaugely based on your idea of honeycombs, it's a bit crude and set up for Conquest, but could you take a look at it and let me know what you think? Nucleus Also, will Honeycombs be the same as Conquest just with different style maps, or would it have different settings do you know?
Well, on your design, each room is connected to each adjacent room. Ergo, there might as well not be rooms, because they're more like on big room with some scenery in the way. Honeycomb will not be like playing Conquest, in the sense that you won't be fighting to get to the other side in one straight line. You can take paths to overcome nodes, or get to objectives in separate routes.
Instead of making one big honeycomb, make multiple honeycombs, for CTF, Assault, and territories. That way you have more space in between to add stuff between.
Just to clarify, that'd mean only some honeycomb sections would be connected? More like this? A & B represent bases, and black hexes represent inaccessible 'combs EDIT: Just noticed I've left one (belay that, LOTS) 'comb with only 1 entrance. Power weapon maybe? Otherwise, just pretend it has another one
That's probably the best example I could have made. There are definitely not enough wall pieces for that, though. From my recollection, there are 16 single walls and 16 fence walls. Also, the pathways would have to be symmetrically balanced.
Yeah, I wasn't really considering what was possible (not to mention balance). More what it should be. Like the "essence" of honeycomb XD In fact, thinking about it, you'd be able to have maybe... a maximum of say 8 'combs using only walls and fence walls (assuming each on average has two doors, more if its three). Up to about 20 if you got creative with corner walls, double walls and fence boxes. And then there's the matter of making it a map rather than a bunch of rooms. And the comparative smallness of Foundry. This is looking more and more unpleasant by the minute
I'm sorry, but I'm completely and totally lost. . .but you are a good forger and would certainly be able to do this, so I suggest you do.
^ I'm making wall that seperates the two teams, and the wall consists of honeycomb holes in which you have to duck into and crawl to get to other side o.o there's like 3 so far lol.
Erm, playing in? I assume territories would be a good choice in a map like this, especially as the rooms would each have benefits of lines of sight or the like. But 2-Base gametypes like CTF and Assault could work nicely too I imagine.
would this work? Also if anyone likes this idea, feel free to make it. I would, but my xbox still isn't fixed. tell me what you think.
More or less, Mackmack's design is pretty accurate. It doesn't need to be a hexagon shape, but it tesselates nicely. Those one-way doors might work well, but I'm not sure. Like whatshisface said, are you sure their are 9 territories? I'd like to see that.
i agree. i don't like how most conquest maps are one path. I am also board in school and think of thing like this. im just not a good forger
I like Conquest, but there should be a new name for maps that use the same gametype but aren't strictly one path. Like, erm... Contest... <_<
Nemi good luck on this but the more and more i hear about this the more impractical it becomes you have some great ideas and i would like to hear more for inspiration for a map to build