It will make more people who are interested in forge come here and thats always good. Certainly better than just word of mouth!
How many people per day do you think search on youtube "forge"? I'm Guessing alot give the video some tags with Forge, Halo 3, Maps, Ect and you will get more members. If I saw a video with ForgeHub I would be interesting in checking this site out. Think about it
And we already have enough spam and rule breaking as it is, most people at youtube are idiots and jerks.
Although this ad would probably bring idiots, and assholes, this ad would also bring the other side as well, the quality, devoted, active members that would honestly contribute to the well being of forgehub. In my oppinion, even one active poster gained is worth the twenty guys you have to ban for spamming. Of course this wouldn't be my call, because you mods are the people that are going to have to deal with the complaints and banning elimination process. So I would like to see a FH "recruitment" ad on youtube, I think we could help a lot of people as well as increase the community size.
i dont particularly know whether or not to vote yes...or vote on the fence, as it were, mostly because don't advertisements cost money? aside from advertisements in videos, which there already are for the most part people who make videos of there maps and post them on youtube, generally provide a link to the thread here, versus the link to bungie(mostly because bungie sucks nuts)...anyways, you should have a third option, always have a third option, generally meh, or idk, or my vote would go on the fence...
I voted yes.....but I do acknowledge the fact that such an advertisement will bring with it a great flood of assholes.
the only real way you can avoid spamming is to have more staff. this would be a great way to promote. but i dont want it because i will have to explain how to post maps and interlock even more than i am now. its getting frustrating
Okay, I know I'm being off topic, just found JAY's last post and had to comment. What are you seeing on the van nevis chat thread, I havent posted any pics.