if there iss a halo 4 like there as been talk about do you tjinkk they would have like recon armor to just have and like forge but way better and forgehud would do maps for halo 4 also
These threads have been done, and with better grammar and spelling. Dig through the forums and you'll find stuff on new halo stuff
Omg lol @ mistakes. Sorry, had to say it. Also there won't be a Halo 4, there will be other halo games, not halo 4.
other games like, halo wars, halo chronicles and a game that i hope they will bring out. Halo M.E. (Halo Multi-player Edition) which will feature Match Making, Custom Games and advanced forge and theater.
I'm afraid that I don't understand any of this thread. Please correct your grammar so that we may provide you with answers to your question.
Consider it this way, Microsoft, and Bungie, as corporations are in it for the money. Now let me ask you: would you buy a Halo 4, if it was created? If yes, continue on, if no, read the line above, and answer the question there. So if a company sells product, they earn money, and since earning money is a primary, why stop when you can earn more? It makes fiscal sense to, so it is likely they will make another FPS set in the Halo universe, or at the least, another FPS. It is likely that they will produce an editing after the success of the first one, but Forgehub will most likely die before said game comes out. As for Recon armour, who cares?
Can you say, forgehub v2? jk but of course they are going to make new halo games or at least some games in the halo universe.
I think if they made another Halo game I'd hope it'd involve Chief on that Onyx planet or whatever it is.
Ok one question. when you go into forge mode in halo 3 when you set stuff up does your points(money show right bottom conner) does it ever run out?
What the ****? ahahaha that was the most random question ever. Of course it runs out, why else would it be there?