Only on the xbox, on the PC it's amazing. You could never maneuver a scout with a controller like you could with a mouse
That is the only reason I would be getting it to. But after hearing its only a few hours of play, I am probably just gonna rent it.
Maybe Black Mesa? That was a joke. HAHA. Fat chance. Me and my brother are always joking about how the cake is so delicious and moist. But I bought it a month ago and still haven't beat HL2. I play 30 minutes and stop. H3 is irresistable. If not for Halo 3 I would be playing TF2 and Gears. And beat HL2 every week.
Portal was very great fun. It took me a few times to drop my companion cube in, though. I just couldn't do it :'( ~Jakester1024
LOL Think with portals. Imagine a portal gun in Halo 3, that would kick so much ass that Bungie would kick its own arse in an arse kicking spree, maybe get an arsetacular from so much arse kicking.
My friend made a Companion cube t-shirt, the clerk at game stop was the only guy who understood it. This isn't it but here is a picture of one:
OK, Well I just made this account and this is the first thread I saw, so firstly, hello everyone. Secondly, Portal really is very enjoyable, and I recommend it highly. In fact, the whole orange box is packed with really fun games at a very reasonable price.
Actually, it's "Weighted" companion cube. Well, at least it didn't lie to you or talk behind your back.
Mine didn't want to go in the fire, but he was trying to stab me, so I threw him in anyway, unfortunately, he wasn't able to make the party.
Mine stayed with me to the end. And then told me to kill 'you-know-who'. It also tried to kill me on multiple occasions.
The Orange Box is a MUST BUY this holiday season. Things to remember: Cake Mix Flour What is that? BLARGHHAAAGGG!AGGHHBLARGGHH! There is no party The cake is a lie The Weighted Companion Cube is the closest relationship to an inanimate object you will ever have
Although he did try to stab me, he did save me from lasers a few times, and held that door open for me.
Portal is one of the best games I've ever played...I beat it in less than an hour and was cracking up the whole way...damn computer...the end credits song was so freaking AWESOME...I DLed it to my iTunes