
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LieutenantAshler, Jun 9, 2008.


What is the best aspect of this map

Poll closed Jul 29, 2008.
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  1. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Since the Quarantine 11 years ago, District K-72 has suffered substantial neglect. 2-8 Players


    Compound is an asymmetrical map built in Foundry and utilizes Interlocking, Geo-Merging, the unlimited budget glitch, and floating objects.The map supports Slayer; KotH; CTF; Assault, and Territories.
    The map's layout and appearance almost lend to it being called another (although less sloppy) Shanty Town.

    There are several substantial differences from Shanty Town, however.
    First off, the structures are significantly more complicated and all are larger. Additionally, the map plays exceptionally smoothly.

    The only significant difference in geometry as concerns symmetrical versus asymmetrical games is that the tower has an extra wall in asymmetric variants.

    There are three main ways into defense base.
    First and most obvious is the shield door. this tends to be the focus of a lot of combat in 1 flag and One Bomb Assault. Secondly there is a jumping route to the top of the wall, which figures prominently in asymmetric territories as the top of the wall itself IS a territory in asymmetric variants.The final entrance to the base is found on the left side, and is useful for flanking the shield door to eliminate campers.

    Offense base is roughly a third of the size of defense base, and is substantially less complex.Two entrances are on the ground floor, while an additional entrance is on the roof.

    The tower also tends to be a hotly contested piece of real estate, as the Shotgun spawns there and it offers the only non-grav lift access to Laser spawn from its roof. Compound shines with Slayer and KotH, and also with Territories (especially Flag Rally). One Sided gametypes also offer a fun experience.

    Interior of Defense Base

    Sniper Tower

    Recommended gametypes:
    Slayer: FFA, Team
    KotH: FFA, Team
    Territories: Flag Rally, 1 Sided
    CTF: 1 Flag
    Assault: 1 Bomb

    Weapons on map:
    Battle Rifle x8 20s extra clips: 2
    Shotgun x1 120s extra clips: 1
    Spiker x2 30s extra clips: 2
    SMG x2 10s extra clips: 2
    Plasma Rifle x3 20s
    Mauler x1 60s extra clips: 1
    Magnum x1 10s extra clips: 2
    Plasma Pistol x1 90s
    Needler x1 90s extra clips: 2
    Covenant Carbine x2 20s extra clips: 2
    Brute Shot x2 45s extra clips: 2
    Spartan Laser x1 180s
    Sniper Rifle x1 180s extra clips: 2 (Symmetrical only)
    Particle Beam Rifle x1 150s (Asymmetrical only)

    Grenades on map:
    Frag x4 10s
    Plasma x6 10s

    Equipment on map:
    Regenerator x1 150s
    Power Drain x1 150s
    Bubble Shield x1 180s
    Gravity Lift x2 90s

    Support Weapons on Map:
    Machine Gun Turret x1 180s (Asymmetric only)

    Offense -
    - At the start of the match, be sure to rush the Shotgun and Sniper Rifle, acquiring these will give you a significant edge in penetrating the base.
    - The Spartan Laser is perhaps the most time consuming of the power weapons in terms of acquisition. It can sometimes be easier to keep it out of play entirely.
    - Be sure to have your power drain at the ready as you approach the base. Grab it immediately, then toss it in either the shield door or the side entrance once you are a little over halfway there.
    - You can use your base's deployable gravity lift to reach the top of the defense base's wall. Not only that, but if you can push a crate or barrel over it, the lift should propel it with enough force to injure or even kill anyone it hits.
    - This is especially important in asymmetric territories but is equally applicable to other objective games as well. Preserving the jumping route to the top of Defense base's wall is CRITICAL, as it allows the only default access to the top of the wall from the outside.

    Defense -
    - The Deployable Gravity Lifts are Incredibly useful on this map. (I designed this map, in part, around them). You can effectively seal off the side entrance with one, or you can dismantle the exterior jumping route that leads to the top of the wall. Be careful though, if you stand too close to the edge, the objects that the lift flings up are likely to harm, if not kill you (be mindful, you can do this to enemies as well.)
    - The Mauler below the flag and bomb spawn is a powerful tool for defense, as is the Bruteshot. Pay attention to what your enemies are carrying though, if an attacker is weilding a Shotgun, you're probably better off dealing with him from afar...

    FFA -
    - The proximity of the regenerator to the Shotgun should be taken into account, odds are, if both are missing, one person has them.
    - Hiding under the sniper spawn can be an effective tactic if your are playing KotH, be careful though, since it forces you to crouch, you are an easy target...
    - It may be a lenthy or inconvenient trip, but getting the Bubble-shield may allow you safety in some difficult to reach, but easy to grenade locations.
    - Be sure to take advantage of the crates that litter the map. They can provide jumping access to many places of the map that otherwise have only one entrance. (Without a Gravty lift).

    Download Compound
    #1 LieutenantAshler, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks quite good a nicely layout seburban map the only turn off is the bridge i like how u slantd it but if u turned it over and interlooked it it would look nicer and play smoother
  3. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
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    Nice interlocking at some parts. Well thought out, DL.
    LieutenantAshler likes this.
  4. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Nice Job, I liked how you added different ways in to the defensive base to counteract camping the shield door.
    LieutenantAshler likes this.
  5. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    You haven't even played the map and you already assume that it doesn't play smoothly!? I've seen jou jump to conclusions quite often, but his one takes the cake.
    Also, you still need to work on punctuation, it's really hard to know when you end one thought and begin another.
    Sorry if that was harsh, but you'd probably do well to take more time on your posts.
  6. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks sloppy in some places, but has nice merging and interlocking. ill try it out
    LieutenantAshler likes this.
  7. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks great, I really like the idea of having the extra wall in asymetric gametypes.
  8. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    If you had this same map with real time environment (not foundry) it might actually look like a COD map. but would it play on good on halo? im not quite sure i would have to try... but the map looks pretty good i must say.
  9. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    I've playtested this map multiple times, and I can honestly say that I had a good time even when I lost. I strive to make each of my maps better than the last, with this one though, I think I hit the nail on the head. It's going to be REALLY hard to do better than this one (for me anyway.)
    #9 LieutenantAshler, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
  10. Sonic

    Sonic Guest

    you might want to add weapon holders on the wire spools so they dont get blown up.
  11. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Actually, if you read the tips in the original post you'll find that blowing up the wire spools was built into the map intentionally.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice job with the raised cover walls, but does it give u that much cover? cuz they seem kinda short
  13. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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    this is a very cool idea i like it
  14. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    nice interlocking, i like the bases, one bomb looks fun, nicely done
  15. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Just a question, but what purpose do the walls that are interlocked only 1 wall (lying flat) above the floor. I realize that some may be for aesthetics, but otherwise they serve no purpose as no one can hide behind them.
  16. Phantom Cl0ud

    Phantom Cl0ud Ancient
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    its nice to see a really good looking map that isnt completely interlocked
  17. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    They offer plenty of cover, but not too much. After a few playtests, I actually lowered them because people kept getting picked off from the wall. Now if someone is firing at you from the wall, S/he is only covered from the waist down unless s/he backs up. The walls do provide cover, just not too much. Also, it's 1 wall, plus 1 fence wall high.
  18. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Very nice job with the interlocking and base design, both bases look clean and fair for gameplay. The middle tower also looks solid (maybe flip the bridge over), and it looks like you put a bunch of though into weapon placement. The interlocked walls look good aesthetically, so it doesn't really matter whether they provide that much cover or not.

    I have a couple concerns though:
    - why is there one wall of difference between symettric or asymettric, seems a bit unnecessary
    - you told us that a door and power drain had messed up spawns, so why don't you just edit the map to fix this (and flip that bridge over as well)
    - don't know if the map is too cluttered for this, but maybe add some mongeese for quick transport, as some areas of the map look a bit open and vulnerable

    Nice job though: 8/10
  19. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Fixed Power drain and door spawn, also flipped the bridge.

    The extra wall was added to make it easier to capture the tower in territories. It was rediculously easy to kill-camp anyone trying to take it from the defender's wall.
    As to the mongeese, Yes the map is a tad cluttered to make them practical. I originally had one in the alley behind the tower, but it completely destroyed any chances of stopping the flag or bomb carriers. Also, since I used the money glitch, I cannot re-add one.
    Additionally, The open areas have made for some heart-stopping BR battles, I have no intention of changing that, Those were superlatively amazing moments.
  20. O Doyle

    O Doyle Ancient
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    Good looking map man. I will que it for dl and try it out in a bit. I like the look of the base with the windows and the overhang. Adds a nice touch. Gl forging in the future.

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