So I wanted to make sure no one has done this yet before I spend all my time on it. I wanted to do a Pirate Ship battle, with some connectors to both ships, and maybe a "docking bay" on the back side of the boats where mongooses can come out of. But somehow make it where you are vunurable if you are on the ground, so no one just jumps down there (simulating actual water). Any suggestions would be awesome. I know a pirate ship has been made Coolant and it looks sweet, I just want to make a playable game on it. Thanks The New Guy WeaZel 3
Well, there is a Bungie Favorite map called 'The Seven Seas' which is exactly the same as the map you described. There are 2 elephants (pirate ships) and if you get out of the ship at all your sheilds are drained. There are also mongooses on the elephants. :squirrel_chatting:
I guess that would be okay if you could make a really good looking pirate ship. I would follow the way that Bungie set it up however. They made it a King of the Hill varient but you get no points for going in it and it drains your sheilds. Also, they put it on the bottom of the map so that you are safe on the ship. That would be a pretty cool map if you ever complete it. Let me know how it goes!
Yes, this is possible! But it requires a pretty hefty sacrifice- it will only work on King of the Hill, and only with a custom gametype. Make your map as you normally would. Now set a single Hill goal object somewhere on the ground. Set the width as high as it will go, and the height as 0.5 or 1. Just some small number. Now in the custom gametype, set "in hill" traits as shield drain 10% or whatever you feel is appropriate. Set hill points to 0 per second, and kill points as 1. Now you have a slayer game where players lose their shields if they are too low on the map (in the water). Note that this will not kill them, just eventually drain their shields. You could give players in the hill (in the "water") any traits you want. I'd suggest maybe poor camo to simulate a partially submerged spartan. If you are afraid of people camping down there, change player traits in the hill to 0% damage. Or put a waypoint over their head so everyone will know that someone's in the water. I hope that helps, and I'll definitely be interested in playing this game if you make it. If you don't, I might just steal my own ideas and make it myself. Happy Forging!
This idea sounds really good. But I have a suggestion that builds on top of this idea, that might make it a little more unique. Put the hill's height as 0, and how far it extends downwards to 1 or so. Then, use S/Q and float it slightly above the ground. This makes it so that if you're on a mongoose, it might simulate a boat in the way how you will "float" above the water. It would allow people to jump to avoid the shield drain though, so I would up the shield drain. So I would raise gravity in the hill and lower speed in the hill. Neither one would affect a mongoose. You'd have to change the height a couple times to make this work, but I think having mongeese as boats would be cool. And I'm pretty sure you can set how low the territory goes, but if not, you can always just flip it over.
I'm not sure if the height on the goose would be enough. If that did work, it would require perfect hill height placement. Weazel, you have not been back here to comment, does that mean that you gave up on this idea? That would be a shame, because I think we have something here. I'll PM you with a message to come back.
What a cool idea. You could even extend this out to more than just a pirate gametype. It would definitely make all those 'Boarding Action' remakes play better...
Haha no I have been keeping up with all of the suggestions, and if someone wants to do the same thing go right ahead, it will most likely be better than mine. Right now I am just playing with the design of everything.
I just thought the idea of having "boats" was cool. Warthogs could potentially be used, since they raise Master Chief higher up the ground.