Post your resources: Photoshop, Flash, Paintshop Pro, Cinema 4d, 3ds Max, web scripting, and anything else that could help the digital artist/web enthusiast. Partial Credit goes to Nitrous, Lazer, and Hazard. The real credit goes to you, the community. Without you we wouldn't have anything to list! Thank you for your contribution! Design Resources. Submissions are welcome. Tutorials, Renders, Brushes, Image Hosts, and Fonts. Photoshop Questions? No problem, look here! Forge Hub Member Contribution C4D Archive Forge Hubs finest Graphic Tutorials Stock Collection GIMP Master Tutorial Tutorials Tutorial Pod 4c Tutorials Grey Cobra Reloaded Studios Signautre Source Climb-X Good Tutuorials Pixel 2 Life AK Pro Game Renders Gsof Planet Photoshop Team Photoshop Photoshop Cafe Crazy Designs Eye Wire My Janee Tutorialized Coded FX Xiode Studios Tutorial FX GFX UG Tutorial Outpost Renders Game Renders Game Renders (Forum) Photobucket Render World Xbox Clan Templates Planet Renders The Guardian's Render Pack Queef's Halo Render Pack Queef's GoW Render Pack Brushes Deviant Art (Newest) Nuclear Web Rapid Share (Single brush set) Deviant Art (Popular) Hosts Image Shack Putfile Photo Bucket Exoload Tiny Pic Free Image Hosting Maj Fonts Da Font 1001 Fonts Fonts 5000 Type Now 1001 Free Fonts Game Fonts Simply the Best Search Free Fonts PSD Hosting Sites Rapid Share File Front PSD Up Mega Upload C4D Renders 5-Pack 6-Pack Structural Renders Helix 12-Pack Effects 10-Pack 15-Pack Other Sites Worth 1000 Panda Resource Site Miscellaneous Dutch Designs Voidix Tech GFX Sig Tutorials Royal GFX Dark Fusion Designs Phazon Graphics GFX Gamers Stealth Designz Talk-Mania Photoshop Force Photoshop Tower Mickm Designers Park 13 Dots Babylon Studio Swe Designs 22Pixels Crunked Designs Obscure Graphics Dev People Tutorial Factory Imusion Graphics Haven Pixel Freak Optium WD Planet Photoshop Depiction Think Designs Heathrowe Developing Webs Game Wallpapers Hosting Resources Submissions are welcome. Free Hosts, Paid Hosts, Discounts Free Hosts A gig for free Style Hosting Nhim Free Host Freewebs x10 Hosting T35 Funpic 100 Web space Paid Hosts Hosted Fx ABS host Enfinity Hosting Start Logic Wire Nine Tangerine Hosting Blue Host Dream Host Adm Hosting Crystal Hosting Tetra Host Green Apple Sauce Flexi Hosting Destx Host Sky High Host Jex Host Trafalgar Host Discounts NameCheap: Yaffaspecial - $.90 off of domain registration MORE4LESS - $.80 off of domain registration Godaddy: saveten - 10% off any order gdh072430 - 20% off domain registration goox3004at - $2 off domain registration Popular Sites WoW Community World of War Alakazam Warcraft Movies Halo Community High Impact Halo Halo 3 Forum Counter Strike Community CS Nation CS-Strike Planet Forum Planet - Counter Strike Graphics Coded FX Grey Cobra Pixel2life Coding Resources. Submissions are welcome. Tutorials, Content Management Programs Tutorials Tech Tuts Coding Forums Jochen Vande Velde (coming soon) Web Dignity Avenge X Php for All W3c W3 Schools Javascript kit. Zymic Hotscripts Content Management Programs Php Nuke Php Coin Post Nuke Drupal e107 Joomla Mambo Inspiration CSS Zen Garden CSS Vault CSS Beauty CSS Drive CSS Import W3C Sites Flash Resources. Submissions are welcome. Flash Kit Adobe LiveDocs Actionscript Tutorials gotoandlearn The Gimp Submissions are welcome. Official Gimp Tutorials Gimp Plugins Gimp Talk Photoshop General FAQ Sweet! -------------------------------- Uploading Images. Tutorial by Nitrous 1. Save your image as a: jpg, png, gif, bmp, tif, or swf. 2. Go to 3.Click the browse button, and find your picture. *Suggested that you save in My pictures or the desktop. 4.After you have found it press ok, then upload. 5.Find the line that says "Hotlink to Forums" Copy and Paste that into your profile under signature. 6.To get to "Signature" click profile (located next to logout) then Forum profile options. Signature is toward the bottom. -------------------------------- Photoshop Workspace Tutorial by AK 1. To bring up the Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts and Menu Dialog, you must first open up Photoshop and go to Window > Workspace > Keyboard Shortcuts & Menusâ€Â¦ Image 2. Here you will have the window open up with the Keyboard Shortcuts tab selected. In the following screenshot, I will explain to you what each function does. Image 3. Next we will move on to the 'Menus' tab. Basically what the menu tab does is that it enhances your ability to work faster, easier and in less time. It colors your menu buttons to suit your style. For example, if you are going to work on a website template, then you may want to choose 'web design' as your menu type. As it will color the menus that will be frequently used by you as you progress on your design. You can choose whether a menu option to be visible and choose its color. This increases your chance of diversifying your menus and making your work much easier. Image 4. Next we will look at the Photoshop workspace feature. This is a very spectacular tool for those of you that like to be organized and neat while working. If that’s you, then this is your tool! A very sophisticated tool that allows you to save where your workspace palettes go, the following is a default Photoshop workspace area. Image To load into a default workspace area, go to Window > Workspace > Default Workspace. Now let's get personal, if you want to make your own workspace area. Then set your workspace area just as how you like it. Know that set even the zoom on your navigator tab and your foreground and background colors as those will be included when loading your workspace! To move a tab into another palette just drag the tab and drop into the palette you wish. 5. Once you've made your workspace just the way you want, go to Window > Workspace > Save Workspaceâ€Â¦ Now a window will come up asking for a name and what you want to save. Name your workspace and select all if you want to save everything that you edited (Keyboard Shortcuts, Palette Locations, and Menus). Now press OK. 6. Next go to Window > Workspace > and you will find your workspace all the way at the bottom. Click it and Photoshop will automatically reset to your saved workspace! Image 7. Now you can also delete any workspace that you don't use by going to Window > Workspace > Delete Workspaceâ€Â¦ You can also reset your palette locations, menus, or keyboard shortcuts in that workspace menu. This will reset your option into default mode. Image -------------------------------- Flock 1.02 22Pixels Flock is a breakthrough in digital resources. Flock is one file, containing over 300 files inside. Flock contains 153 Fonts that self install, 158 brush packs for Photoshop 7 and up, self-install, and over 50 additional packs for Photoshop 7 and up. Each pack, contains about 30-40 presets, all in one file, self install. We would estimate that Flock contains over 7000 individual presets, in addition to the 150 fonts. All in one file, one download, one install. This is the one file that every digital, graphic, and Web designer needs. Screenshot of Brush Panel -------------------------------- Graphical Terms Depth - A tag has depth if it looks three-dimensional. It is not flat. It can be enhanced by blurring and sharpening, and by lighting. Flow- The general direction of the signature. The artwork head to either a single point, or from point A to B. CnC/C&C - Comments and Criticism Lighting - Lightness or darkness of the image. This can usually make or break a signature. Focal/Focal Point - The part of the tag that draws the viewers attention. It is where you want the viewer to look first. It can be enhanced through lighting and depth.
I jacked it from GamingTV after I had been working on this list for six months. I'm not going to steal someone else's work and not give credit.
Code: http://"http// Doesn't look like very nice formatting.
We know the links are broken guys, we aren't dumb. The post can't be edited because of a size limit on posts, so until it gets fixed we cant help it. =(
Some very useful sites there. Thanks! I'm making a new (and slightly less crappy) sig with them. :squirrel_rocking:
How about freehostia for free hosts its a really good one. You get good bandwidth and ftp and more. Its all I use -Donuts
This is really helpful, but do you mind telling me where I can find Flock, and it might be more helpful if you ranked the tutorials, font websites, etc. From most helpful to least helpful. Thank you Nvm Flock 1.02 = Here
Here is a link that you might want to add to your list of photoshop tuts. It is a HUGE list: Link Link Link Link Link Link Link
Very nice list. Tutorials are always a good thing. I once watched a tutorial on how to make fire using photoshop, it was very useful. Its certainly a nice skill to have.