Ghost rider Double wide sky track on avalanche Download this track click here Pics Over view Start Drop in hill Banked turn Turn and small straightaway Drop in hill and steep hill anti cheat checkpoint Features: Double wide sky track very smooth banked turns very cool drop in hill steep hills straightaways very well built can't cheat checkpoint Description This track is wicked sweet maybe one of my best tracks yet on avalanche. This track all in the air and is completely double wide. The track took me about 20 hours to make and is very smooth and neat. 18 hours were spent working on it and 2 hours testing. The track is also anti cheat for the most part and even if you try to cheat it will make you loose the race. This track you will love because everybody I've showed it to so far has loved it. So I hope you like it. Here is a description of the track. First you go out of the start and head down a massive hill which leads you into the super long straightaway that is 100% smooth. Once you come out of the straight- away you head up the massive banked turn which is super fun. The banked turn leads you to a 100% smooth turn, after the turn you head straight on a short straightaway. This leads you to another turn. After completing the turn you head up a very steep hill. Then you hit a shield door that pushes you into the last turn of the track. The last turn is a banked turn and is also where the checkpoint is. Once you complete the turn you kinda land right in front of the track and head down the hill again for another lap. The fun never stops when racing. I hope you all like it. Spotlight questions What inspired your creation? I was thinking of making a double wide sky track on avalanche with a high start and a drop. Once I made that I just went from there. How long did it take? It took 20 hours a least. 18 hours working and 2 hours testing. It took so long because I had to save and quit most items. What aspect took the longest to get right? The end because I kept testing different ways to stop people from getting to much air off the ramps. Most ways didn't work that's why it took so long. What is your favorite part of the track? It would have to be the drop in hill or the long straightaway. Game type:RACETRACKS What map is the track on: Avalanche Difficulty of track: Medium/easy Author: killer 1251 Link to track: Ghost rider MORE MAPS COMING SOON. ENJOY!
Nice job but the only reason I'm not fond of sky tracks is because what happens if you fall off? Can you get back on or is it like an automatic DQ? I'm still dling though cus its freakin sweet.
Really nice job, I just kept doing lap after lap on this thing. If you fall off, there are teleporters to take you back up. It is pretty wide though, so falling off is not likely after you get the feel of the map. Reminds me of rainbow road on mario cart. I had an idea similar to this on avalanche, but I am still brainstorming for my avalanche track. Great job.
Very nice, also is there a way back up when you fall. Also very nice interlocking, it looks a smooth as glass.
The map actually looks really good, though I'd have to try it to know for sure. Just a piece of advice, Ghost Rider doesn't sound like a map, but more of a screenshot name, so maybe a renaming would be appropriate?
by the way there is alrdy a race map named ghost rider which was posted last night or somthing... So a re-name would be apporiate... but still awesome map...
Yeah, this map looks pretty nifty, but why did you have to use that stupid ass RACETRACKS game-type? Its just horrible. The one thing that sucks about floating racetracks is that falling will make the game much longer, and if I'm not mistaken the game-type goes to 50, so you really should have made a custom one. Ah, your part of that little group they have there.
"Stupid ass RACETRACKS game-type" wow, sounds like you have a little bit of an anger problem. how is it horrible? the gametype goes to 10 now. it only takes 5 seconds to change it yourself anyway. we werent just on bungie Faves for no reason. some people.........
Looks like a great track, I like how it's really wide because I can't stay on a bridge to save my life... Also, a certain Children of Bodom song is now stuck in my head.
NEATEST made racetrack on Avalanche i've seen so far. amazing map. awesome interlock in the spots needed. all around good map. 5/5
Its not an exclamation of anger, but one of disgust, I honestly think that maps that only use one game-type could preform better using a custom game-type, rather than a standardized one. As to your point of 10 lap limit, it still says 50 to finish on the official game-type's page, so how am I supposed to know its been changed, when it doesn't even say it? The first time I played it, I had an assault rifle, and people weren't invincible, it was sad really, so, yeah, I do have a bad taste in my mouth. Being on BNG faves does not make you right. If you make a map that requires a certain game-type, people are going to use the game-type given, so make it a good one. In summary, just take the time to make a good game-type, you don't even have to make the map look pretty, if it functions well, it shall be win.
dude me and my friends loved ur map we played on it for 30 minsutes strait and i loved and my favorite race maps