Longfire - By pwninatr This is my first actual map here at forge hub (well.. my first really at all) so obviously I don't have the experience and skills as some of the other forgers here. Please don't try to compare me to them when I know I'm not as experienced and its my first map. =) Here we go, I started this map last week with a simple bridge idea. It was very bare bones at first and had no interlocking whatsoever. At that point i was just looking for an idea for my first map and it came to me as i screwed around making bridges. I've worked very hard on this map. Counting everything (testing, building, etc.) I've probably put at least 9-12 hours on this map. I have built up the hugest respect for you forgers now that i know how much it takes to make a map. On to the map! Longfire is a symmetrical bridge like map made mainly for team games like slayer, ctf, assault. FFA also works here for some gametypes like KotH, slayer, and oddball. (others also work but I haven't really tried them as much) I took inspiration from many different maps while creating Longfire. (the needlers on either side of the power weapon - the pit, the sword platform - midship, the bridge itself - narrows, and some other minor things) Weapons Sword x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Needler x2 Battle Rifle x8 Plasma Rifle x8 SMG x8 Grenades Plasma x2 Spike x4 Equipment Bubble shield x1 Deployable Grav Lift x1 I'm not so great at explaining things myself so I think I'll use some pictures as aids! A Base B Base When you spawn, you will either spawn in the box here Or spawn on either side up here Either way you will end up on one of your bases two spawn sides when you go through the teleporter. (these are just starting spawns) The Bridge Under the bridge there are two grav lifts that will aid you in getting back on the bridge if you fall off. There is also one lone deployable grav lift siting in between them. Use this to your advantage as it may help you get across the map a few different ways. View from Spawn Sniper Dumpster Watch the floor as it is littered with fusion coils! Action Shots! - - - - - Download Longfire
Thanks! The stairs (along with the bridge) were a pain to line up correctly (they still aren't perfect), but I think it came out well!
i think you have left to much space add dumpsters or make it a CTF and have flags at bottom and turrets near there.
O_O Its Back! =D Yeah, that was the idea from the start. Well.. originally there were going to be instarespawn coils littering the floor but that idea was canned for a few reasons. -It became too easy to fall off -Lag -Not enough coils -I just didn't want to Elaborate, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts but when you say "add dumpsters" do you just mean randomly throw them down or what? And it is mainly for objective games like CTF but i don't see how spawning them in the bottom would help. Well, I lowered the ammo that snipers spawn with (at least by one clip) so it really doesn't become a problem. Usually at the beginning two people grab it and use all the ammo on each other anyway. And I knew I was asking for it when I put that first poll option. >_>
I feel like doing a grading system for your map. _____________ Interlocking + Beautiful Post + Objective Map + Fusion Coil Rows - Much Space - _______________ Well I believe that the positives over-ruled the negatives, so I'm deffinetly going to download. Hope to see a lot more exoctic and well-thought through maps from you. -CaMOfo
Thanks for the feedback! =) But what did you mean when you gave the fusion coil rows a minus? I assume you gave it that because it seemed sloppy in the corners or something? Actually there is the main square of coils and then in each corner one stands up and there are three (the little oil tank things.. what are they called.. >_< ) spread out evenly looking towards the middle. And yes, I realize that the space is a problem but i'm just not sure how to fix it.
Yeah, i'm actually thinking up some improvements in my head right now. (if only I had more items to work with.. I'm going to straighten up the bridge a little for sure and try to fix the whole space issue.
Well made thread for your first map. As for the map itself, I suggest not leaving the whole bottom open. From what I can tell, there honestly isn't much to this map. I'm impressed that you used interlocking and the floors look smooth so good job on that.
Yea i know you want a good sniper map but the best sniper maps is where your playing snipers game with alot of cover. I don't like the fusion coils, there's going to be alot of huge deadly chain reactions going on. 3/5 good for a first map, next try adding more structures and use interlocking
Yes, that has been pointed out a few times. lol I know! Gosh.. that aspect is so aggravating to work with! Thanks though! =) Honestly, its not intended to be a sniper map. There isn't really I lot of per say "sniping" going on at any given time. The action is close enough so that you don't really have to worry about it. Also the fact that the ammo was dropped by a clip changes things. And about the fusion coils.. Believe it or not, there are hardly ever any fusion coil kills. Honestly, if your stupid enough to run into the coils you probably deserve to die. The thing you don't realize is even if you fall your probably going to fall of of the bridge and there are no coils near the ground down there. And also, there really aren't really big chains. You usually just hit one corner and it will go off. The biggest it probably will explode though is just like half of the coils. (though a huge chain has happened once or twice. Honestly? "Use interlocking?" The whole main structure is interlocked! It took me forever to get those lined up fairly straight and even! Even the back walls on A Base are interlocked! Honestly, the only things not interlocked are the guns, fusion coils, and items sitting on the structure! (which are pointless to interlock)
I love the floating sutff but the bottom is way empty i like the stair thing but i as going to use that as a bridge but it has to be upside down to be a bridge good job with the floateess 3/5