Bogshot V2 "Many Battles have taken place on this land. Countless veterans have perished here. Will you?..." Download BogshotV1 (note: This version is my failed attempt of MLG) Bogshot V2 (Non-MLG) (note: Download this version which is probably better) Description: Bogshot is my first attempt at making an MLG map (apparently i failed). The best amount of people to play this map is 4v4 or maybe even 2v2 because Bogshot is a pretty small map. I originally built it completely for FFA slayer though.The map consists of 2 box-like central arenas, a catwalk, and a small underground area for the rocket spawn. These places are the main hotspots for battle. Reason for the Name: The reason I named this map Bogshot was becuase it reminded me of a house in a swamp. Like in those fairytale movies. It reminds me of this because the platforms and arenas look like small docks. Weapon List: 1x Rocket Spawn 90sec/0spare clips 2x Battle Rifles 30sec/2spare clips 2x Carbines 45sec/2spare clips 1x Mauler 45sec/1spare clips 1x Sniper Rifle 60sec/2spare clips Equipment List: 3x Pairs of Plasma Grenades 10sec 2x Pairs of Frag Grenades 10sec 1x Power Drain 60sec 1x Bubble Shield ------------- Overview Pictures: Overview 1 Overview 2 2 arenas Catwalk Rocket Spawn Side A Side B ---------------------------------------------------------------- Action Shots: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Layout Pictures: Note: Blue indicates Hill Marker Green indicates Out of Bounds Red is the outline of the Picture The First Floor The Second Floor
yes like blackdarkness said good job merging all this together and by the way the foundrydesigner makes it like really small
Dude, I have to say this looks amazing and I will be surprised if I don't see this on the front page of forgehub in the near future 5/5
Looks very well made, love the aesthetics, but i don't think it really looks like an mlg map, t has a few to many camp sots, and its all around a very cramped in small map (Not in a bad way) Mlg usually has wide open spaces in it too. what I'm saying is, this looks awsome, probably plays awesome for normal modes, maybe not mlg
This must have taken alot of time but why did it have to be so square!?!?! sorry i hate square maps but even i find this good. The map is well layed out and has alot of good ideas in but nothing seems to stand out and why did you call it bogshot?
Looks alright, but it pisses me off when people post "MLG" maps. This is just a normal small map using MLG weapons. MLG maps aren'ta nything like this, and mlg maps don't use shield doors or fusion coils. Fail.
MLG does not use Fusion Coils, Equipment or Shield doors. Also, Sniper and Rocket spawns should be greater, with rockets at 3 min and sniper at 2 min 30 sec. They should also be drop spawns. Mauler should be 90 seconds. Also, MLG doesn't use street cones or any other types of scenary that is not held down. The design looks pretty interesting, though.
dang, this looks sweet. very nice interlocking and construction. i like the layout of the map Qued for DL
Thanks for all the comments guys and i just figured out a spot where you can escape the map though so im gonna fix right now. Ill post an updated Version in about 30mins so keep watch.Also this is my first version of a resemblance to an MLG so im sorry if i dont have the right settings ill change this map into a non-MLG since that is what the majority of the public wants. By the way Bnasty what do u have against me seriously man not tryin to start stuff but every map ive posted on FH you hate?...