MLG blood bath download here to take the bath desription the bases. the base have 2 wall corners as coverpoints and somthing to fight around. they have a bottom with some tunnels downthere. it kinda looks like a castle. the center has a prety cool bridge like structer that is center of the map. u know what i cant explain it so heres some pics weapon list 2 battle rifles 2 carbines 1 mauler gernade list 4 plasma gernades. ok heres the none mlg version switchguns weapons 1 shotty 1 fuel rod gun 1 sparten lazer 2 snipers 1 needler 3 brs
Wow, this is really nice, however it lacks in weapons, other than that gorgeous. GERNADES IS NOT A WORD!
wow dude, this looks awsome. very nice setup and interlocking. this is one of the best MLG maps ive seen
ues i agree with the other very nice map but it does look to lack in weapons but you look to be a very well murger
Not big on MLG maps, but i really like the set up in this one. Cant wait for you to post the other version with more weapons.
you know what, im going to dl this and put some more guns in it because 5 guns!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? unless your already spawning with BRs
alright i now have a non mlg version on this page so u can download that if u would prefer it to the mlg version thanks for all the comments. i know mlg maps arnt orginal but i wanted to make one that was good and up to mlg standers.
yes! i love it. ill send you a invite to the MLG map makers group. this map captures MLG even though it does look the same to some of the MLG maps but it also has some parts that stand out even more. the bases are one of them, you have used the wall corners well. its great.
my first impression of this was that it looked very busy and cluttered but after another look, it appears to be a very solid MLG map. The interlocking looks very neat and tidy, which is always a plus. Good map. Keep it up.
This map is Amazing, it is farely busy, but if it wasn't it'd be boring and this is the complete oposite. Nice job!