Back-story Factory

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dthen, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ever read a maps description, and found it has a really cool story to go along with it? Thinking it'd be awesome if your maps had that, but you can't write creatively or just can't be bothered?

    Welcome the Back-story Factory!
    Here we will help you in your quest for story winsauce.
    You can request a story for your map, or even become a writer.
    Hopefully out of this shall arise many great stories for everyone and make maps sound much more professional. There is also the fact that a story about a flight ship commander crashing in a barren landscape and finding half his crew have become infected with a mutating super-virus and the captain slowly becomes weaker, hungrier and much less sane is pretty awesome.

    How it works:

    For Requesters:
    You fill in our application, and post it on this thread - one of our writers will start writing a story and they will PM you it when it is finished - you may then edit it how you see fit - it's yours to use, However please give credit to the writer on your map thread.

    For writers:
    If you see a request that has not been completed you can get writing, if you think you can write that story. Once you have finished - PM the user and also post it here and say you have completed it. I know we may end up with multiple people working on the same story - but it's better than it not getting worked on if one person claims it then doesn't do it.

    Without further ado, here are the application forms:

    Story request form:
    Your FH username:
    Name of map:
    Gametype map is designed for (if applicable):
    Description/pics and theme of map (If map is already posted, please link to the map thread):
    Names of any characters you may wish to be in your story:
    Anything else you feel relevant/may want included:

    Writer application form:
    Your FH username:
    Any specialities:
    Do you enjoy writing?:
    An example (not mandatory):

    Current writers and stories written:
    -Dthen 0
    -The Benergizer 0

    Stories completed:
    None yet, sadface

    Stories Pending:
    None yet.

    I can't think of anything more to add to this thread at the current moment... So it's time to hit Submit New Thread and see what happens.
    #1 Dthen, Jun 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  2. The Benergizer

    The Benergizer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: The Benergizer
    Specialties: Everything
    Enjoy it: I tutor English and Writing at meh college.
    Example: No thanks?

    Be glad to help if you want. I don't Forge many maps that FH would really like, so I don't need any stories myself, but I'm willing to share mai skillz.
  3. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright - I shall add you to the list. :p

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