I didn't know where else to put this so...i am making a map where zombies are high on boxes shooting down on the humans (its more complicated than that but thats just the idea). So I need the zombies to stay on the boxes without any honor rules. I already tried fence boxes/walls but it diflects the bulltes. I was thinking that the humans could kill you instantly or something like that. Any ideas?:squirrel_eyebrow:
Well I would say is to make the zombies gravity at 50% ,so they can't jump at all really.Then put the turret in a fence wall??If not try a barrier ,or a short barrier ,then lock it in with teleporters. Wait I got it Put a little moat around the boxes so if they get over a little barrier you made then they fall in the telleporter which brings them to the top again??Hope this helps.
Make the wall realing low, but still be able to be shot over, by interlocking it into the box/whatever you have below it. Then, put the gravity, for the zombies, to wherever you need it to keep them from jumping over. I hope this helps..
Man thats hard. I can't interlock to save my life. The barriers don't work either. So I was wondering if anyone isn't doing anything could you help me out?:squirrel_sadlzzzzzzzzzz.
Interlocking is quiet easy, actually, first place the object you want interlocked were you want it, then set it to not spawn at the game start. Go to your in-game menue and select "New-round," then go to were the first object was, and place the object that you want to be interlocked to the first object were it needs to be. Wait untill the first object respons, viola, you have interlocking.
This thread belongs in Halo discussion. Titmar, where is your offensive comment? You've changed... Moved.