All Around v1.3 Download Map Description: This is my first posted map on ForgeHub but not my first map. This was made not too long after Foundry came out so there is no interlocking. I made this to be playable for symmetrical gametypes. I made this because I was tired of all the Zombie maps that were being made at the time and I didn't like the map made by Bungie. It has two sniper perches on by each base, a center "hill" that a sword sits on, and Cloaking and a shotgun in the rear tunnel. Weapons List: 5 Assault Rifles 6 Battle Rifles 2 Shotguns 2 Sniper Rifles 6 SMGs 2 Spikers 2 Magnums 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Plasma Rifles 4 Needlers 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Energy Sword 4 Covenant Carbines 2 Maulers 2 Beam Rifles 2 Sentinel Beams 8 Frag Grenades 7 Plasma Grenades 7 Spike Grenades 2 Firebombb Grenades 2 Bubble Shields 1 Active Camo (2 Mongooses) Screenshots: Red Base: Blue Base: Overview 1: Overview 2: Red Sniper: Download Map
The map looks really open, you should consider adding some cover seeing as there are 2 snipers and 2 beam rifles.
the map is very open in the middle add some crates or something as cover, especially because you have 2 sniper rifles. Also you haven't used any interlocking. It doesn't matter for the map design you have but you should checkout the forging 101 for your future maps. Forging 101
it looks a bit plain could use some more objects and interlocking. it looks like the map everyone would build when they were new to forging. I alsao think you should have closeed off the 2 main bases
the map looks very clean and nice knowing you didnt interlock. my only problem is the lack of cover and it might affect gameplay. other than that good job
yes make us of all the space you have it does look plane the more time you put into your maps the better they are
He aleady said he didn't interlock. Not all maps require interlocking to be good. Chill out about things like that.
I'm really torn on what to say on this map. You did a good job making everything symmetrical, and no spots seem to really need interlocking. I guess the word I'm looking for to describe it however is... simple. Not a lot of unique walling systems were used to create cover or design, and there isn't really much added to foundry itself. The fusion coils and the dumpsters are a nice touch, but again, simple. The only thing I could really ever suggest is to make your maps more complex.
By the way, for your first posted map you did an excellent job. You added pictures, a weapons list, and a brief description. You obviously have read a lot of other posts or the how to post your map forum.
"By the way, for your first posted map you did an excellent job. You added pictures, a weapons list, and a brief description. You obviously have read a lot of other posts or the how to post your map forum." Yeah, what he said. Nice job on the first post. Like everyone else said, it's way too open, and it's a bit plain. But, it still looks functional. P.S. You're totally stealing my name!
I can tell you're quite new to forging. (if you're not then slap me plz) as lots have said it's too open and needs more layers. Interlocking and angled objects are a must these days, at the moment it looks very square and very boring. The central structure.... well it's a box and some stairs, you could have made it look alot better. Please look at forging 101 to pick up some more forging skills, but this is alot better than some maps i've seen.
*slap* (lol?) I was new when I made this. It was just a few days after Foundry came out. I'm actually good with interlocking now but this was made quite a while ago. I just never got around to posting it... Also, about the cover or lack there of: There is actually more cover than it looks like. The screenshots mostly show the center sword area. Other that that there is an abundance of cover. The screenshots I took were to show as much of the map as possible, not to show off cover spot or any other particular location. One last thing: The snipers have only one reserve clip and long respawn times (60 seconds). Moral: Trust me. If this map has a problem, it's not the snipers...
Alright then. Well, if thats the case, then you should know 2 things. 1: If you know it was made a long time ago, and doesn't meet today's standards, reforge it. Interlock, add, and update it before posting it to Forge Hub. We want to see your best, not a mediocre effort. 2: Post some more shots showing us the cover. We need to see it.