Check out this awesome map I made it took me a week to make please download and tell me what you think Hope You guys like it. Here is the link it is on This map is a map based partially on MLG Onslaught and MLG Amplified soory if the name is vagley simialar to The map MLG Amplified. But It is composed of 2 bases but on a different angle than MLG Ons and MLG Amplified It has sheild doors on the corners of the edges on the map and shield doors on the bases top with stairs leading to the top of the base and on the inside it has gravity lift leading to the top of it too. there are 2 checkpoints on the sides of the map and the highest checkpoint has barriers on the corners with a fusion coil inbetween them.and a maze of walls in the middle it isn't that hard to get thru in the middle either. Picture Number One Picture Number Two
Okay, mate, looks like you missed the posting rules page on your way here, we here at Forgehub have a different way of dealing with things. 1)You have to embed your pics, I'm going to tell you how to do this. a)Save the images to your computer, the medium sized one is the best for this forum, so click on the pic, and then right click on the picture in the pop up window, and save. b)Go to, or i>If you went to photobucket, make an account,(I suggest this) c)Just click browse, find your pic(s), and upload. d) Get the DIRECT link to your image, and copy and paste to here using Image tags. i>Image tags: Code: [img]directlinkhere[/img] Now about your map, since it is MLG, I'd say you've used a bit many shield doors, and the layout is a little uninspired, other than the bases at either end. Yo Black, I said I got this one, and then you double post, just edit your original post. BTW, your sig is too big man, the limit is 500wideX200tall
ok i understand it is your first post but make sure to put in pictures so that people can get a look at your map if you dont you are less likly to get downloads but when you put in photos give brief descriptions on what the picture is of on your map and list the game types for it to like infection assualt but if you do make it for other game types make the game type for it while in forge mode the game type you want it to be and set it up or that and save a new version for download and like turbo gerbil taught me never put to many power weapons in the map like rocket launchers shot gun sniper sword ect. because if you do then people will us them to much to overpower you and people dont like that also make them at a long respond rate so that people can continue to just get it over and over again our aumo
ps i have a link to a video that will tell you what a good map post is like for forgehub so that you have a good post here is the link video link
Just one point on the map, I don't think MLG likes shield doors very much... I would suggest losing them
that is probably the most unoriginal name i have ever seen... and people wont look at those pics, it takes too much energy to click on it, just do wut turbo said and darkness get a small signature