Yeah I'm making a montage its 40 seconds long atm! Basically me thinking im good whilst shooting with a sniper rifle:squirrel_evil: Youtube > My quality...
Try to throw in a couple things not sniper, because the quality makes it sort of hard to see the snipes
Nah i cba to finish the video just seeing how the quality would have been and it sucks more ***** then elton john so ill leave it.
It was pretty cool, not the best but still pretty good. This one makes yours looks godly though, seriously though this one maybe the worst ive seen. | Halo 3 Video | XBox 360 Video | S Y K O T 1 C x Halo 3 Montage
Lol i feel godly after watching that - yeah im just showing fh how i play obviously im not the best but i think i can handle myself with a sniper and ill be interested to see any more montages of FH members.
Didnt like it. If you cant have color dont bother making it at all. Dont leave theater time line, and stuff in clips, refilm the clips, no one wants to see that. Dont use windows movie maker either, if you cant find something better, its not worth your time, the preview kills where nothing close to amazing. Dont use sword kills, and dont show single scoped in heat shot snipes. Sorry im pretty straight forward when it comes to these things.