Zoltan's Item Dispenser! Download the Item Dispenser! I finally finished my item dispenser. You get the custom powerup, which lets the crate slide up and out pops the sword. It can dispense any item. To help, here's some pics: The Dispenser: What Pushes up the crate: The Sword and Crate: What you do: Push the button: Catch the sword:
a nicely preformed switch unfortunatly this has been done so many times (sigh) make it into a map and ill dl
What a waste of a post. Did you even bother to look at it at all? Please, i like compliments, but some criticism would be nice.
lol, maybe you could use it as a nub trap. He comes up to get the powerup but it makes him really slow and, high grav, and weak, then it spits out a fusion coil. Just got an idea! there could be a little base like in an infection map, and after a bit that spawns in the doorway so it's like the humans set the trap
Lol, i put it on only 1 sword on the map at a time, because if you don't, the word will fly out, and sometimes you'll get 2 swords instead of 1.
Why is it that i am so sure i have seen this post half a week ago? oh well - DE JA VOU - nice dispenser can u make 4 of those i a road and then have 1 containing fusion coil to **** up peoples minds ? 3/5. wery critic abaut the usefullness
Wow thats a great idea! I love it a very good way to put weapons on a map .. And its good for a sword ! Good job! =]