The Omega JourneyV1 puts you in a race against time as you relentelessly fight off a horde of zombies while you are trying to escape through the tunnels. You startoff with an energy sword and break through barriers using teamwork. Used with big parties. Played with Journey-V2 Weapon List: Battle Rifle Shotgun SMG Magnum Energy Sword Sniper Rifle Plasma Rifle Assault Rifle Pics Human Spawn¤t=39261944-Medium.jpg Zombie Spawn¤t=39262016-Medium.jpg Sniper, Shotgun and Battle Rifle spawn¤t=39262016-Medium.jpg First Barrier(Use Teamwork)¤t=39262016-Medium.jpg Second Barrier(More Elaborate)¤t=39262639-Medium.jpg Third Barrier(Use Teamwork)¤t=39262696-Medium.jpg Fouth Barrier(Use Teamwork)¤t=39262922-Medium.jpg End of Journey(Finally!!!)¤t=39263271-Medium.jpg After you are done with the Journey you get to go to a survival paradise, there are plenty of weapons to choose from. I would appreciate feedback to perfect my map. I was inspired by Mr zOmBiE's map Great Journey V2 Become my friend on xbox live gamertag------- --The Shasta Can-------
Here's a quick tutorial on embedding pics: 1) Go to bungie screenshots 2) Double click the screens you wish to upload twice and save to desktop when the box shows up 3) Go to an image hosting website such as Photobucket 4) If you don't have an account on this, make one and access your photo album 5) Upload the pictures from desktop by pressing the blue Upload button 6) Take the direct link from the uploaded picture 7) Go onto forgehub and put in the code- without spaces. I hope this helps you out. PM me with any questions or concerns you may have. Good luck!
Eh. Omega Journey isn't as fun anymore to me. But to those who haven't played it before, it's worth a go.