good map, i already made a Dk map but it was not as clean as yours, mostly because i was focusing on the game play, but i will download
yeah the map i really clean and i though i fixed it so the zombie cant get out idk maybe not but yeah for some reason every so often the brute shot kills but its set up not to so it doesnt always.
I love Donkey Kong, but the only thing is that this is much shorter, the barrels explode, there are no ladders, and there are no hammers. The "small" problem can be solved by making it on a big map like Avalanche or floating on Blackout. You can use wire spools (and no shields) instead of fusion coils to make no explosions. You can make the floors with shorter items such as walls, have small gaps between them and have grav-lifts/man cannons off to the side to go up through these gaps. For the last problem, you can have gravity hammers on weapon holders floating in the places where the hammers are in the original and maybe the pulse of the gravity hammer will slow the wire spools.
Although it's not 100% like the original in terms of gameplay (But then again, that'd be nearly impossible to pull off), I still had a blast playing this map! Can't wait for version 2!
yeah the gameplay is tough but you can make it through with precise timing and were trying to work out the kinks like the fusion coils.
I to be mean but this map isn't the best Donkey Kong I have ever seen. Although being the first to be enclosed, the original on Sandtrap is really good and is really hard to be better than. Great job on the map otherwise!
Thsi is a good map and a great idea - but, you should of done this on other maps like poepel said because you can make cit bigger, better looking, and it'll just be better over all but, overall the map looks realy good and keep forging mine game maps.
This map is pretty sweet but i am taking credit for the star role, i was in a !@#$ load of picture ye ye boii
I love this map, still liked the halo2 donkey kong better... And also in the decription, you spelled Plumber wrong.
loooks really fun and very detaild good job uv succeded in making a donkey kong map the only problem is some of the bridges look a bit sloppy