Though not a true racetrack and mainly just a practice course until i can make a better one, here it is! A 3 difficulty rock crawl course. The warthog spawns in front of the hardest one, the intermediate one is all barriers, and the easy one is the short one opposite the hard one. overview hard intermediate easy there are grenades at each cone on the hard course, use them or melee if you get stuck. any gametype with grenades and indestructable vehicles will work as this is a practice course
ok dude there welcome to forge hub and i have to say you might want to check out this before posting another map and you might want to fix this post to. now your map in general doesn't seem to have any significance what so ever from my point of view but i may be wrong, but i don't see any hard work put into this so keep forging. 1/5
the offroad concept is cool but whhen you make the real one, you should make it on stand off to give the "offroad" image.
Yeah, this was a quick one to test the idea and i really wanted to see what everyone had to say about the idea. sorry about the post, i couldn't get the pics to link
Use sites like photobucket to link if your not, they work best, you can't really embed pics off of bungie.
really need pics but when i did look at it seemed alot like other maps could be alot better and please get used to the site b4 u post 1/5