Ogival is a small 2-6 player map I put together that forces close range, to medium range combat. Its overall shape is pretty much a "large" S . <Definition of Ogival.><Click this link after you clicked that one.> On this diagram you will see the basic layout of the map and the weapon and equipment spawns. If you choose to turn on Goal Areas for Juggernaught and VIP, you can, but I cant garuntee they'll work. Its my first try at a diagram, so its not all that great. Sorry. Key to the Diagram. Overview: Basically its a large enclosed S. The fighting is up close, and may also be a little farther away. There is an alternate passageway to get to the other base, its longer but its safer. The map is symetrical, so most of the killing takes place int he middle. The map will support all gametypes. In Depth Description: The upper section (nearest the title) is Base B. The opposite (farthest the title (oh my) is Base A. Each base is the same as the other. The only asymetrics (I dont know if thats a real word) you will find are in the center area. There are some explosives un-evenly distributed. But it is still pretty much balanced. The top level is were you will spawn, and usually fight. Use the scenery you find to your advantage. At first I had the map entirely just the S figure, then I decided that it would be boring and too chaotic if that was the case, so I added an alternate path that goes underneath the structure (I had to completely destroy the original thing). That path, oddly, looks like an S too. An odd one at that. The path takes you to the Plasma Pistol and Battle Rifle spawn at each base. You would want to use that path if you were pinned down in the center, or there was a stalemate so no one could make it past. You can come up behind them and get some kills and open the way for a guy with a bomb, or you can get an easy way to Cap the flag if the center area is engulfed in a hail of bullets and fire. Its also good to escape an enemy when he's chasing you out of his spawn. Down there you will find a Carbine, a Deployable Cover, and some signs to tell you were each base is. In order to win, you need to cover both ends, and/or use them to attack your enemies on all fronts. This map is best suited for 2-6 Players. However if you choose to do an Infection game, 8 players wouldnt hurt you that much. Equipment/Weapon List -Battle Rifle x4 -SMG x2 -Plasma Pistol x2 -Carbine x1 -Mauler x1 -Frag Grenade x4 -Plasma Grenade x4 -Spike Grenade x2 -Trip Mine x2 -Deployable Cover x1 Yay Pictures!!!1! Middle Section (view from Base B) Middle Section (View from Base A) Base A Spawn a Base A Spawn b Base B Spawn a Base B Spawn b Entrance to Extra Passage 1st Curve in Extra Passage Middle Section This map should support all gametypes. I reccomend any type of CTF, or Bomb. KoTH is a good choice as well. Edit: And yes there are cielings, I just took them off for the screens.
appears sort of simplistic, but I guess thats what a lot of MLG gamers are going for. I hope it has ceilings! Maybe a little bit more effort with interlocking your walls would make it look neater. Don't worry, it is a very nice diagram. P.S.- What does the name mean?
Haha, yes there are ceilings. And yeah, I sort of wanted the it too be simplistic, not really designed for MLG though. But now that I really look at it that way, it looks like it could be. Theres a definition at the top.
Asthetics, ok. weapon placement, questionable. Pics, ehhh. the post could use a bit sprucing up alog wit the asthetics
Can we get a real picture of the entire thing by any chance, right now your pics are just pictures of empty halls. Also gameplay pics would be nice as well.
Cool K, thanks, when I tried slayer for the first time, the other team was yellow and not blue or red, so they only had 2 spawn points (right in the middle, but I fixed that. Not really... The map is elevated so I dont have anywere to put the camera, the most I can get is just maybe 1 double box wide, and 1 double box tall... otherwise I would.
kewl it works well but make it a tiny bit more confusing like a maze then it would be perfect 4 oddball
Looks good with the interlocking, but I see some walls and double open boxes that could use it. Overall, good job. It looks cool.
looks like a sideways 8, or infinity pretty cool, not too original, but ill try it but definetely straighten the walls Capture Out!