Map Title:AA gun A working AA gun that shoots out wire spools and is great for playing Assult Download Map Description: This is a map I made that I though would be great for assult. Basically the attackers are the americanswho go to destroy the gun with the bomb. The only proublem is that theres a huge wall with german defenders on it. If the americans can make it past thte wall either through stealth or brute force and plant the bomb either the round ends or yuo score a point. Remeber this is a V1 and hasn't ezactly been tested so if yuo want to give me critism thats fine but tell me what to fix for a V2. Here are the images. Enjoy
Well a couple things 1. i can see that nobody but you has viewed this, and it has a 4 star rating. pls do not rate your own maps. 2. looks like a nice map, but try not to post a map if you havent tested it. its allowed, but it will let you find any mistakes that you didnt by yourself. is this your first post? if so, nice job
Add some banshees on a separate team and have them fly them around like in the mission "The Storm". Also, the gun should shoot fusion coils instead. The bomb should somehow disable the gun. One more thing, this Should probably go in casuals. really cool idea tho.
Spread out your spawn points. You don't want your defenders knowing where they are going to spawn every time
looks nice, do the wire spools continuously fire, thatd be cool, but to me this looks more like an aesthetic map, i'll download it, have a play and then see what its like
It's not a competitve map. It probably should go into Casual or Aesthetic. It also looks like you put more effort into the AA battery than the actual playability of the map. I'd have focused more on the fun and stuff than the actual artfulness. Function over form.
yeah it should go in casual or asthetics but as for the map itself basically all i can say is great asthetics great ideas and OMG it's an A-A-gunner
I like your Ideal, it's original and standoff is a great landscape for maps that people should take advantage more often. You might want to work on your spawns a little, since you took the pictures in forge I can see that you like to make little designs like triangles with your spawns, try giving them a little more purpose and have them introduce different parts of the map, they don't have to look good. But anyways nice map all in all...
i like the idea and uv done it really well, so far it looks neat but ill check it out nd get bck to u
SLOPPY needs work should be in asthetics or casual spawns system could use some fixing and playability isn't great