This map looks... a little sloppy, actually, but you seem to have put some time into it, i'll dl. I must say, this map does look quite fun to play on, with all "secret passages." The size of this map also makes easier on humans facing uber zombies because their speed and weapons make no diffrence on a map like this.
I love this map. So many hiding spaces and crawlspaces. DLing now. I am definatly going to play this map.
I finnaly got to play this map, absolutly amazing job cheez. I found NOTHING wrong with this map, everything is like, just purrrrfect. It took me like, 5 games just to explore this map, and i'm still not done. To anybody reading this, DL THIS MAP NOW!
Thanks, i figured that people would have some fun exploring it, i know my friend Harry was like oh my god I didn't even know this part of the house was there! I
I LOVE Playing Infection Here!! Best house themed infection I have ever played!! THIS MAP IS A DEFINITE DL! P.S. Eyeless sid should get a life
I see you made fake accounts real cool Its sad you need to contantly bump your dieing thread I will let it go but if you continue to bump your thread to death with no real post or update or response I will have no problem reporting you to forge hub leaders. I only had one vote for your map I gave it a 3 star ratting and when I did it still was a 4 star ratting that means I'm not the only one that wasn't impressed by the map so don't just blame me there are others with the same feelings as me.I also see your trying to pick a fight just because I gave my feedback that can get you in trouble as well, this will be my final post in this thread I'm not here to bump and fight in a spam thread. Have a nice forging friday - Eyeless Sid
This map is pure pwnage. Mister Sid up there doesn't know what he is missing. I guess he doesn't know a good quality map when he sees one :/
This thread isn't dieng, but i do see that your map gave yard map hasn't been at the top in a long time and has 3 stars too. Sgt Johnson lives was right too and i do not make fake accounts, because they would require more emails which i do not have. And i gave you a list of person after person who were impressed with this map. I have tried to be understanding and not be forceful with you, but you need to shut up and get off of my thread and go back to whatever else you do. STOP... TALKING! Do NOT Post any more. Just go away if you do not i will report you because you have posted like 5 negative comments so YOUR the one flaming. GO AWAY THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE.
I made a three-storied Haunted Mansion, but mine didn't have as many rooms and wasn't as complex as yours.
I played this today with a big party and I still found a new room. How long did it take you to make this map. OH and P.S. Eyeless Sid reported this thread to the mods for it being AWESOME! He sent me a very sarcastic message. Don't worry cheezbob, he is just a jealous kid.
Don't worry, i already sent him a message to try and stop all this, and maybe turn him from an enemy into a friend.