Paintball Pit created by: MythicNinja The Paintball Pit is a map that I've had since before I joined forgehub and before I changed my gamertag. It's set up for 2 teams (red and blue) where the base spawns switch each round. You spawn with a plasma pistol and it's one hit you're out. There are plasma rifles in the rocket alley and in sword room which have both been divided in half. Since the is no radar, communication is essential. The map can support up to 8v8 but I recommend 4v4 to keep it lag free. I played this map with shock theta and a group of others after the first TGIF and the response was great so here it is forgehub - hope you come to love it as I have. Base Rocket Alley and Sword Room Both divide in half A teleporter in either side of sword room takes you above the respective base Using cover is key to staying alive Download Map Here Download Gametype Here
i have seen some paintball maps before and they were horrible but this this is just absolutely........ AMAZING i love it you have every thing effective and not just stuff placed for cover it looks very nice
I think that assault and sniper rifles are most for the shooting aspect of paintball, but I like the idea of plasma rifles and pistols, due to the color, also I think it might even be funner. The map looks a little different and well designed, especially for an original map . I'll DL and test it out ^_^
I actually remember hearing someone mention this a while back. Looks great, and I have it queued. Oh and 100th post! Woohoo!
CONGRATULATIONS! This is the first The Pit map I've seen since the infection type for Double XP weekend playlists. Nice Jorb.
I like these good old fashined paintball maps. basically it is run out shoot and take cover. It is the best shot wins. this is usually me so that is why i love this map. also the placement of the cover is exsquiset great job.
An old school map, and a fun one too. The best part for me is the teamwork, communicating with your fallen teammates to hunt down the opposing team. The slow moving plasma dodging and simple yet intuitive cover works really well. Far more enjoyable than you might at first presume... and a refreshing break from foundry too. Make sure you grab the gametype! Great job N1NJA.
Best paintball map I've seen. Looks good, looks like quite a bit of effort went into this map which I like.
well ive played lots of paintball and i must say this one really looks like one. with lots of cover and hiding spot. and the pit is a perfect map for paintball. this is probably the best paintball map i have seen. good job.
Very good, this captures the fast, effective triggers of a speedball course, but with a big size (like a woodsball match). Its in my qued pile for the morning
wow a map on a non DLC map. nice job. The Pit really works well for paintball. looks like a lot of fun. 5/5