There's another map of the same name which won the Shell-Shock contest; have a look at it & see if you're inspired!
this map is f'ing official....i love br maps and this is perfect for when me and my friends play awsome job man! i loved it
thanks everyone for the reply's! after you have tested it, it would be nice if you came back here and told me about how you experienced the gameplay Rhys J Mitchell, is it on forge hub? if not, you'll have to link it !
This is a great trench warfare map best yet if money is a problem remake it using the money glitch this will allow so much more bungie should have given us more boxes it would be cool for bungie to release an improved foundry like map with more stuff cleaner for building more new objects to re ignite the creativity in forgers And battle of the somme has nothing on this it is way to cluttered and small
Thanks for the link! i checked it out, and to tell of the screenies, it looks pretty good. It does not have the same headshot concept though, more of a run around behind cover concept. Still very good though, i just think that debris in no mans land would ruin the gameplay. I'm not really into money-glitching since you must have all objects placed on the map before you start, seems kind of annoying. I agree with your opinion on the boxes thugh, they are the most important parts of Foundry, and if they had more boxes and made foundry about double the size, the maps you could make in there would be extremely good. thank you cheezbob, that was the point. it's supposed to mimic a real war-trench.
agreed, that is my only trench warfare map anyways, i'm currently working on two new maps, with a third one in my head.
good interlocking and i like the way there are turrets in the middle for gaining control. However there doesn't seem to be that much on it and i really don't think spawns will be effective. Also, is there tunnels inderneath the floor? because i notcied a fence box with a gap own the side.
First off...trench warfare was used in WORLD WAR ONE, not two, this map looks pretty solid, also, to emulate world war one warfare, you should place a turret on either side, unfortuantly, you would have to place an "honor rule" stating that you cannot remove the turret. These are my suggestions. EDIT: Damn, I didn't see that one screenshot, soz...
this looks very nice and niclely interlocked. but i have seen better, maybe more trenches would be suitable. VERY nice job though, it looks great to play on. excellent job for a first map
yes, they were used under ww1, my bad. Also, no, i could not use more trenches, since my budget is 0, and i am out of bridges and double boxes, but tunnels are a good idea, a nice ambush touch, i could do that if i used the infinite money glitch, which i didn't since it seems to be too messy on the empty map. But then again, that just reflects my engagement. and the spawns now. The spawns are positioned in the back, in the closest trench, and some of them next to the construction in the middle. If you play 2 v 2 or ffa, it will be hard to survive, and spawnkilling will happen. that's why i suggest vtf and assault with more than 8 people. thanks for yor honest comments and tips. EDIT; what fencebox by the way?
Version two is out! Sorry for double-post again. o_o didn't notice third page when i was about to post this.
looks pretty good, some nice ideas and looks really fun, not the best trench warfare map but its still really good well done