Hi everyone, longtime lurker, firsttime poster here, thought it was about time I got around to posting some of my maps, so heres the first one: Redux: Redux was the first map I ever made and even due to a lack of advanced forging techniques is still a very good, competitive map. It is a small symmetrical arena map suitable for 2-8 players with two simple 'bases' each side, each tagged with a unusable camo and overshield for simple and quick, red base, blue base, callouts. With an x shaped layout of boxes and bridges with partially closed in bunkers, made of corner walls with another single wall on top, in the middle. Along the back wall of there is a raised walkway running the entire width of the map and along the front wall there is a series of tunnels containing frag and plasma grenades and providing some cover for people picking up the mauler, spiker or plasma rifle in what would otherwise be a sparse area of the map. Near to each 'base' there is also a wall made up of A and B signs, further facilitating the callout system of the map e.g 'Red A,' 'Red B' etc. I've tried to make it so there is no shortage of weapon options without making it too unfair, but you can all be the judge of that. Also I've made BR ammo, not sparse exactly, but you have to be careful with it which I like because it promotes good practice. Pictures: Overview of map looking from the back corner of Red base (Red B) towards Blue base. Overview 2 of map looking from the back corner of Blue base (Blue B) towards Red base (I've only just noticed that the Red marker is behind the crane, but it's in the exact same position as the Blue one in the previous picture.) A View of Red Base From the front wall (Red A.) View of Blue base from the front wall (Blue A.) A View of the tunnel along the front wall (A wall.) There are two grenades of each type in each. There is a mauler right in the middle, a spiker underneath the camera (it is too close to the wall to get it in) and a plasma rifle on the other side. The center area of the map with the x of bridges and the bunkers, each bunker has two weapons underneath, I'll leave you to work out which ones. Energy Drainer spawn in the very center of the map. Weapon list: 2 x BR's 2 x AR's 2 x Brute Shots (it sounds worse than it is) 1 x Mauler 1 x Plasma Rifle 1 x Spiker 1 x Beam Rifle 1 x Plasma Pistol 1 x Magnum Equipment List 1 x Power Drainer 1 x Bubble Shield Download the map Here Let me know what you think.
from the pics it looks very well made, but perhaps you can enlarge them so people can have a better view, looks fun to play but my download limit is reached, will download when i have time
It seems that you are new here... I will explain to you how to use your screen shots with FH, and ImageShack! Goto Bungie.net, find your pictures... right click and save them... and then upload them here and get the BBCode and post/emb them here using Code: Code: [img]<URL/BBCode OF IMAGE HERE>[/img] you can also post images using their URL location which you can find by right clicking on the image after you post on imageshack.us and going to properties, and copying the Location: But besides that welcome to ForgeHub.