You could add a few needlers those are always good to play with against BR's,smgs/spikers/ and a shotty or 2 would make it a fun lay out. bruteshots are nice but if you have a place players arnt supposed to get to, take brute shot jumps into consideration.
Good weapon choices for mlg would be maybe a rocket XP, mauler, and instead of having so many br's you could add in a few carbines.
Though the map does feel empty, the streets' emptiness gives the sniper its power. Don't stick large scenery in the streets, instead, place a few Barrels and small Barrels. Provided that you place a small barrel next to every normal sized barrel (barrels need buddies to look good) and keep the barrels on the sides of the street and not in the middle, you will successfully add aesthetics and not impact gameplay at all. Definitely add larger scenery like Forklifts and Wire Spools and Crates in your bases as well. They make bases feel more "homey," as you said. Also, it never hurts to put a few Street Cones in either. As for added weaponry: It's definitely needed. Lack of weapon variety means that your map will only appeal to certain people. Though you should never go overboard with weapons, I'd suggest adding 2 or 3 of the following suggestions: 1 No Spare or 1 Spare Clip Mauler (set to 60 sec respawn) placed in a neutral position (maybe inside the open single box connecting the U on the ground, 4th & 6th pictures) A Brute shot with one spare clip in each base Vice versa of above with a neutral 1 clip Brute Shot in the single box and a Mauler in each base Adding Somewhere between 4 and 6 Brute Spike Grenades would also be advisable. I know you dislike grenades for the map, but due to their sticky properties and narrow blast radius I think they'd be fair enough on your map, and not overpowering at all. They shouldn't be able to take out the HQ from afar, and they don't look messy like plasma weapons do, they're streamlined and fairly professional looking. And they make a cool sound when you stick someone. If you go with four, make sure that each side has a pair located in the same spot, but not in the base. If you go with six, place a pair in each base and another pair on the neutral divider, probably where that BR is currently. I consider myself a grenade expert. xD Just don't EVER make a map that has more than two types of grenade on it. Bad bad bad bad bad! I'd also add a dual-wielding pair to each side, either SMGs or Spikers, your choice. Dual pairs seem to get more use if placed near the top of an incline (I have no earthly idea why), so I'd suggest placing them on that double box that your staircase leads up to. Just don't put them in the middle of the path, have them a bit out of the way. Last but not least, add a couple of Assault Rifles to the map. The alleys look like great places, so maybe stick one in each alley leaning against the side of a box. People will use them, and even if you play with AR starts they'll need the ammo.
Weapons hmm balance lots of playtesting and experiments will show soon whats most tactical and fun move the weapons around a lot and test until you li,ke it somewhere then keep it. 15 brs is a lot i think 10 would be good for having a lot of brs
You sir...are my hero... But seriously...that is great advice and I'm going to heavily consider each and every thing that you said. You've given me some great ideas...I especially like the idea of barrels and traffic cones for map aesthetics and your ideas for power weapon placement. It's nice to see a member of ForgeHub that truly gives helpful insight to fellow map makers. Thanks.